We don’t, we will tip outstanding service for a meal say, usually just a few quid, but it’s slowly becoming more of a thing, like this at some busy bars in cities.
We don’t, we will tip outstanding service for a meal say, usually just a few quid, but it’s slowly becoming more of a thing, like this at some busy bars in cities.
Dunno. I’ve seen this in the UK.
Double JD and coke for the equivalent of 5-6 quid isn’t cheap, but it’s definitely not expensive.
They’re probably too busy sharing links to Pixelfed.
What happens if you answer wrong?
It’s all about profit, and right wing policies tend to facilitate that…for example reduced workers rights.
I dunno, did they try just not laundering money?
Since MySpace, social groups have had a very limited lifespan. Even Facebook looks like it’s on the brink of imploding.
Apparently so. It’s fucking wank.