is it infuriating because you have different tastes or does he link premium stuff you have to pay for
This post right here, officer
before i clicked this notification i thought for sure your comment was in response to my homemade nutrients recipe i posted this morning
Holy shit, lol
Come onn what kind of a question is that lmaoo
The real question is, are kinks passed down from your mom’s side or your dad’s side
Judging by the second video, their dad wants to pass them down directly
Well I’m not into lactation but my dad definitely is. So it’s not from my dad’s side. Not sure what my mom’s fetishes are though so maybe my kinks are passed down from my moms side.
Looking forward to finding out that kinks are governed by mitochondrial DNA.
it would also mean they mutate fast from generation to generation, so hold on for hope
Don’t be sad, buddy, just answer the question
Some say it skips a generation. Your kinks are a combination of your grandmother’s kinks.
Of course he has a fish he caught as his fb avatar
Your dad sounds awesome. English culture is far too ridiculous about prudishness IMO… but I was raised in a Christian extremist cult like organisation and like eccentricity (after escaping that nonsense).
Why do you find this disturbing?
German midget scat porn can be disturbing to some, apparently…
Ofcourse, who likes German?
I’d find it more than a bit embarrassing if my father was posting “daughter swap” porn videos on social media. I hope to god OP is a male and has no sisters at the very least
OP responded that she’s a she. So… yeah. Not great
Just find it a bit of an embarrassing thing to share on social media.
Don't know your age, but at 40 here, I wish I had been raised in a world where Maslow's hierarchy was heralded as the fundamental benchmark of human needs like it is in psychology. Sex is part of that, and in a healthy life and culture it really should be as common to accept and talk about as the other equivocal needs at the same level.
Your own image labels it as “sexual initimacy”, which is a very different thing than sexual openness. Both of those, and having frank talks about needs, are also worlds away from “I post my porn choices on fucking facebook”.
I get that envisioning the path to proper sexual intimacy can be frustrating and confusing when you feel like you aren’t having your needs met…
but there’s a drastic difference between a parent telling their kid that it’s okay to touch yourself and having a discussion about appropriate time/place (and that porn isn’t realistic, the dangers of forming opinions and expectations based on it, the concepts of kinks and preferences, consent, etc etc there is a lot that people don’t get any proper guidance on), and a parent doing the equivalent of “Yo! Did you see this shit? Makes me rock fucking hard my man! Hot AF!” in front of their kid and potentially in public.
The proper response to trauma/repression usually isn’t to go to the opposite extreme. A boy who grew up in a household where his father beat his mother shouldn’t cut off his own hands to try and prevent himself from beating his own SO.
Sexual intimacy is an extension of intimacy, and it shouldn’t be nearly as “hush hush learn it on your own the hard way” as it is. Intimacy in general should be discussed more. I’ve had some wonderfully illuminating, quite explicit discussions with some of my closest friends (with no sexual tension between us. Life isn’t porn).
But again, big big difference between even something as blatant as “Hey, don’t shy away from being on the recieving end of ass play unless you know it’s not your thing.” (paraphrase of discussion among close friends, all straight men) and sharing “Did you see the new clip? Fucking hawt! My rope hit the fucking ceiling!” to the public.
I one hundred percent agree. People take most of what I say outside of the context of my abstractions. I like to use hyperbole a little more than I should, and I choose to withhold judgment in most cases. With something like the OP’s situation, I’m amused by the unexpected nature of the situation and using that as a hyperbolic pivot but am not saying it should be normalized to post about porn per say. I asked the question to get a better feel for how I perceive the situation. I can’t imagine anyone in my family doing this because they are religious extremists. I don’t have to worry about it anyways as I’m in near total social isolation due to physical disability.
Taking a shit is natural but that doesn’t mean I want to be subjected to hearing what your morning BM consisted of. Some subjects are rude to broach without making sure the person you’re talking to is open to it.
Not OP but personally I wouldn’t necessarily need or want to know what my dad is getting off to and when. With close friends it’s different, we do have some fairly open conversations about what we (don’t) like, but we also do not announce to each other “hey btw, I’m gonna jack off now!!”
Guess it just depends on the audience. When I was deployed and the power went out for 4 hours we (about a dozen of us) had a several hour long debate on who the most talented porn star was. For some that’s not a weird conversation, for others… Yea they probably think we’re insane.
As I said with friends I’m more open. We’ve discussed kinks and stuff in detail, what we’re into etc.
But the line I draw is at announcing my current masturbation/having sex or whatever. They don’t need to know when I’m masturbating and I don’t need to know when they do either.
We have discussed the frequency with which we do it, and even who among each other we “would hit” so to say. But saying I jack off four times per week is different from saying “hey heads up, you’re in a different city but I want you to know I’m horny as fuck and gonna get some good porn to watch now. Maybe I’ll even think about you lol”
At one of the bike shops I worked at we had small penis contests; biggest cock bought the crew lunch… roadies are weird.
I’d rather anyone tie a necktie on a door handle versus not; friends, folks, sister, solo, gang, whatever. Sex is normal behavior for all humans and should not be made awkward or taboo. It is unhealthy to the individual and society to make sex inaccessible or unspeakable. Every human masturbates with very few exceptions. It has nothing to do with relationships. Releasing tension is healthy and normal. Talking openly about sex is beneficial to society in many ways.
never horny post on main
Ah that’s very helpful. I never understood why but clearly this guy missed the memo haha
The white thumbs up!
Why are all dads obsessed with the thumbs up emoji
And here I am like an idiot trying to make if through another play through of Nuclear Throne when I’m hammered. tf am I doing wrong
I’ve never been more glad in my life that my dad had to return his smart phone because he couldn’t figure out how to make calls on it.
I guess it depends on the age. Mine’s pretty young. He just turned 41.
Mine is pushing 90. He also pretty much stayed in the 1970s and so peak technology for him is a two-tone Dodge conversion van with an 8-track player.
360 carpet, old sofa, a couple bean bags. speakers everywhere. beer cooler in the middle. sweet ride.
Oh yeah. And seats for the table (which turns into a bed or course) are the speaker boxes. You want it to sound like John Denver is holding a concert right there in the van… until the 8-track goes CACHUNK to change tracks.
God your dad sounds cool
As a 41 year old man, that’s abnormal behaviour. Wtf is wrong with him? Does he have friends, colleagues, family and a spouse in there and do they want to know his taste in porn?
Mah gawd
Could have some sort of medical condition. My dad could probably manage a smartphone except he has MS which makes using a touchscreen or small buttons very difficult. I could see any sort of nerve damage to the hands doing the same.
Except for the commentary sentences above the links. Eugh.
He does.
Is he aware he does this shit? Does he delete them in the morning when he’s sober? Do you know if anyone has talked to him as asked “what the actual fuck?”
Like this is going to significantly and negatively affect his social life, and craters job prospects if he ever has to go on the job hunt again.
They usually get deleted quite fast by the FB filter. You just have to be… unfortunate enough to see them during the first minutes in your feed. I told him, be careful what you post when you drink. He’s like: “wdym, I AM careful”. Proceeds to do it again. I’m honestly starting to believe this might be an exhibitionism thing that pops out of him like that due to alcohol lowering inhibitions.
Is he technologically disinclined?
But could he porn?
I found his collection once as a kid, so I know the answer is yes. But that is already more than I every wanted to know.
Same lol
My dad’s collection was on the magazine rack in the bathroom.
You prolly got less mental bags than most of Christian background peeps on this issue lol
That must’ve made for some awkward shits… or some pleasant ones…
Ah, the old shit wank
The '70s were a different time.
my dad posted porn
daughter swap
I really hope OP isn’t a daughter.
Yeah I was gonna say. Glad someone noticed that.
Well thats a new one…
I could never understand why porn sites have a share option, it’s absolutely baffling.
If you’re logged into a social media account and encounter a “share on said social media” button, this is dutifully logged and provides metrics of the types of groups encountering said button.
It’s not for sharing, it’s for metrics about what kind of people view the site/article/top ten list/hardcore porn. Targeted advertisement is cash money.
Metrics are usually tracked using a tracking pixel, which is invisible. They don’t need a visible share button to do that.
they do when they need the excuse that its just for sharing!
Porn sites are smart enough to know that dumb people will do dumb shit, and the sites capitalize off of it.
Goddammit i had a good laugh in the coffee shop reading this post. Sorry man, hope you figure it out with your dad bc that is really weird!
That’s hard to read. Whoever translated didn’t bother flipping the image:
it’s manga you uncultured curr. read from right to left.
you only Americanized it.
Full agree, flipping manga is stupid. When I see a manga panel, my first instinct is to read right-to-left. Flipping it is just causing unnecessary confusion. At least the original bothered to make the text actually fit inside the bubbles!
I’m Mexican.
Japanese is my third language. Here I’ll even paste the article I was just reading.
But I’m uncultured. Lmao
Surely you forgot a /s, right?
Ha ha I read that as huff huff huff instead of huff huff huff just to annoy the manga nerds
You heard what they said!
The title is literally in the image, just put it in the hub
Is your dad the speaker of the house Mike Johnson?
Guy knows what he likes