“I want to try the horsey! I want to try the horsey!”
“I want to try the horsey! I want to try the horsey!”
“So, uh… I heard you like shitposts” licks thumb and slicks back eyebrow
The real question is, are kinks passed down from your mom’s side or your dad’s side
This is likely b8, or missing a ton of info, but I’d say a 1/100,000 chance “get a second opinion and never see that provider again.” You’d need a phenomenally abysmal doctor to go to the DMV and assert, in writing, that your depression is bad enough to impair driving. But such doctors do exist, and I think if a doctor was enough of an asshole to do the legwork, it would be taken seriously.
And that standby battery life? Sorcery.
“I love the taste of glowie boot and will fellate some leather to completion when you come knocking, but first, crimes”
In the southeastern US, we have plenty of fatback in stores, among other odds and ends. The employees laughed when I had to ask what it was.
That’s French toast erasure.
I think there might be a caveat here: when doing peer-to-peer, the insurance side often doesn’t give their names. This was a tactic used when I worked the phones at a company that would occasionally get subpoenaed— never give our name, document what was said, then hand it off to our supervisors who would go in our place as “operator 17” and read off our notes as the totality of the statement. I have zero faith in the insurance companies to have any sort of integrity here, and suspect they’d use a similar tactic to justify any decision making.
NFT ducks in a gacha system