Three separate places I went to at 8 in the morning. Gas station, dunkin’ donuts, and then a convenience store. All of them, trash is full. People wonder why they litter in the USA, there’s nowhere to throw away trash when you’re out. It’s unbelievable People can just go to work and choose not to do their job anymore. That people see this and they don’t have any problem with it, no interest at all to keep things neat and tidy and clean. Nope.
I swear there are less garbage cans in public areas now than 15 years ago. It’s probably my fault for for doing quick car cleans and dumping at every gas station and retail store.
Side note: garbage is expensive these days
Garbage is very expensive that’s why you want to build a society that doesn’t create unnecessary garbage
They probably emptied them when they opened and it’s been busy since it’s the morning rush.
But sure bitch and moan since you think they’re lazy instead of probably slammed by people like you wasting their time.
If they took time to empty it people like you would just bitch there’s a lineup instead, can’t ever be pleased eh?
Just dump the can out on the ground and put your own trash in. Now you don’t have to litter!
Don’t worry once we get AI to take care of this we don’t need those useless employees that we didn’t hire to do the jobs to do the jobs anymore!
Also in your country they say “trash” to things they are done with. Like oh you don’t like this toy any more? It’s trash now. Oh, the bag of jerky is empty? This plastic has completed it’s cycle now and will have to be let go to circle the Atlantic
In Japan it’s almost impossible to find a trash can on the streets and yet people don’t litter. The problem is the culture centered around consumerism and waste.
This. Throwing your trash on the ground because you can’t find a trash can amounts to childish entitlement in my eyes.
No trash cans in the forest, is OP saying they just litter all through nature when they go camping?
they just litter all through nature when they go camping
Many americans do just that, yes. :'(
Funnily enough that’s where I find most of the litter in Japan, like, if you go to any non-main road that goes through a bit of forest, you will see signs threatening fines for littering, with a bunch of trash tossed in that exact area.
I have seen cans, bottles, ACs, TVs, baby car seats, bags, and general household trash. Also found a golf club once that I actually brought home because I thought that it was neat. And this is only along a single stretch of road that is only like 1km long.
So Japan isn’t some miracle society that doesn’t litter, it’s just that they do it someplace that is somewhat out of sight.
It’s somewhat comforting to know that no matter how far out in the wild you go you eventually find signs of humanity.
The fact those signs are pieces of trash that someone either left or blew in on the wind is depressing.
A lot of people do…
Yeah, I fill up a trash bag every time I go hiking
Keep up the good fight! I’ve got several miles of trail cleaned behind my hood, one more major path to go!
Maybe you do this, if not, take a plastic retail bag, fold it over twice, while pressing the air out, roll it up tight and rubber band it. I always have 2-4 highly compact bags.
I once dropped a water bottle out of my backpack, and couldn’t find it when I retraced my hike, but I did start noticing tons of trash everywhere.
So I started keeping a trash bag in my backpack, and filling a small bag every time I hike.
I may not have found my bottle, but I’ll make sure I clean up more than I left every time I’m out.
With respect to Japan, there’s definitely a culture difference, but I don’t think it’s the consumerism/waste culture. There’s so much excess packaging in Japanese food products.
Yeah, but do they wolf down a half pound of meat plus fried potatoes and a half gallon of sugar water four times a day in Japan?
You mean at the kfc, in Japan?
Possibly, where are you going with this?
Smaller portions creates exponentially less waste. It also isn’t frequently greasy western fast food waste that is inconvenient to carry around for any period of time.
Like I wouldn’t mind carrying around a paper wrapper from a nice sandwich place, but fast food waste is greasy and likely to leak.
Dude, larger portions have less packaging, just because of the square-cube law. I’m actually having trouble thinking of a counterexample, even.
Larger portions need less wrapping per lb, but more overall packaging than a smaller item. You know, like how more filling requires a bigger tortilla.
You are also missing the point about the multiple, larger, individually packaged parts. Like how one container from a sit down restaurant is less overall trash than a bag of multiple wrappers, ketchup packets, and a cup from fast food.
Also, the grease.
East Asia loves individually packaged everything. Americans would need to eat ridiculously more food to beat them, just by quantity like you’re suggesting. They do eat a bit more on average, but not that much - and the gap is closing.
No. They have rice.
Half a gallon of rice water?! :P
They would use liters, but yes. The Japanese aren’t going to just chuck out their rice water.
What about the baby?
Gone. Don’t you know the phrase don’t throw the rice water away with the baby?
Yeah, East Asia doesn’t even try to minimise packaging. Environmentalism just isn’t the same there or something.
I might be wrong, but I assume that the food packaging is a necessity because of the extreme humidity, otherwise it will spoil very fast.
Packaging is fine, but it’s multiple layers sometimes. I feel it’s more for presentation than function.
In fairness, I remember a time when everyone smoked in Japan and flicked cigarette butts all over the place.
Plenty of consumerism and waste in Japan. For trash, it’s socially acceptable to ask a store to use their trash can.
You should be more angry at the throwaway society we’ve become to create so much trash, rather than rant at the person who might be the sole employee until someone else comes in to do the regular morning cleanup duties.
So you think some full trash cans cause people to head out to the interstate and only then throw shit out their window? Guess they’re making a statement or something…
If you treat people like trash, don’t be surprised if they turn out to be garbage.
Bro I remember in Japan there were almost no trash cans anywhere. We fuckin lucky here
All you need is a can return policy and some homeless.
They don’t even have that, they just have seperate bins for cans and bottles and people use them, and the only public places to throw away trash are in convenience stores. Which tbf exist like every 400m.
There are exceptions but generally people just keep the city clean because they want to (and social pressure).
Bottle/can deposit system can do a lot to make bins less full though. Japan just doesn’t seem to need it.
I distinctly remember a few scenarios where I heard they do. Maybe it’s not can return policy but as scrap metal. This article mentions it, too.
So what you’re saying is there actually are bins fairly regularly, just indoors?
Yea pretty much. I have no idea if going inside just to throw stuff away is considered ok (always felt a bit weird) but for the most part it’s not too bad to find a place to throw stuff away.
Get what you pay for. The minimum wage is still 7.25 federally. I can’t believe employers just choose not to pay livable wages.
Lose me with this “nobody wants to work anymore” bullshit. Nobody wants to pay anymore.
Don’t worry, you’ll soon get massive tax cuts for companies and their executives, while basic goods get 25%-35% pricier for the worker class due to the tariffs since the orange potato has to fun those tax cuts somehow.
It’s another true half statement the middle management refuses to complete. “Nobody wants to work anymore for the wages offered for these types of jobs”. Same old story as middle management accepting “the customer is always right” (and entitling shitty customers) without finishing it with “in terms of market trends”
It’s a societal problem.
Same in the UK :-(
“I litter because the trash can was full”
And you’re trying to think about perceived societal problems. How about introspection?
Keep it in your pocket. Not really hard tbh.
Of course other humans are trashy :/You keep your not quite empty styrofoam coffee cup in you pocket? Don’t you get sticky and start to smell like overripe coffee beans?
Keep that in your hand or bring a small bag to keep it inside.
I wouldnt use a styrofoam cup anyway. Usually my thermos or drinking bottleThat’s how it’s sold (well thankfully several states have banned them so it’s often paper)
Also you’re euro right? Europeans jump through so many hoops to justify not having public toilets/trash, it’s like that continents version of American health care.
To be fair, I work at a job where I need to empty trash cans and I can honestly say I don’t get paid enough to haul y’alls shit off to the dumpster. Y’all put dumb shit in there that you shouldn’t be putting in there. It’s at the point where I take my trash home with me.
I worked at dunkin while I was in college and it didn’t matter how often you took the trash out during the summertime, it was constantly overflowing from people cleaning out their cars into it.
Not even kidding, one day I was on break outside and watched someone fill the freshly emptied can 3/4 full with all their fast food trash. As soon as the trashcan is empty people take the opportunity to clean out their cars. It’s fucking weird.
Honestly, it’s because we are experiencing a massive, unprecedented trash crisis like never before. People cannot find places to throw away trash because there’s so much of it everywhere. It’s a lot of fast food packing materials, disposable silverware, plates, napkins, stuff like that. The fact that trash cans are full everywhere, constantly, and people are trying to clean out their cars all the time anywhere they can… It’s simply screams trash crisis. People just cannot get rid of all the trash that they have, there’s too much coming in and not enough ways to throw it away. We need to stop using disposable crap that goes into the garbage
I’ll still illegally dump my car’s reffuse but at least I have the foresight to grab a trash bag and park by a sneaky dumpster I know to throw it in. Like yeah sure I put one trash bag in your commercial dumpster, but at least I’m not using your cans and making you bag/cart it to the dumpster!
Yeah if I was still working that job and saw someone doing that I wouldn’t care. It’s better than littering or making a minimum wage employee’s job more miserable than it already is.
The person who made this meme has likely never worked one of those jobs.