The problem I see with this is that a Meta employee literally came out on Mastodon recently and revealed that non of these settings do anything and are false flags.
The problem I see with this is that a Meta employee literally came out on Mastodon recently and revealed that non of these settings do anything and are false flags.
Was Canadian, its owned by a Japanese company since 2010
OCRemix.Org already does this with their music, so its possible.
The deb version is a pointer to the snap in their repos. Nothings being replaced, it no longer exists. The deb version of Firefox in Ubuntu repos is a wrapper that installs snap and has no binaries in it. Has been for 3 years or so.
You don’t need special docks in KDE, its all configurable through the default desktop settings. You have enough knobs to make it look like anything.
In Plasma 6 there are a crazy number of ways to skin and change the look.
This video was a good way for me to learn some of the basics. https://youtu.be/R6C-RNhHMrE
KDEs vision is letting users have the experience they want. You can have a vision without limiting configurability and cramming bad UX down the pipe to your users.
I used Gnome Shell 3 for 4 years before giving up on it and going to KDE.
The huge differentiator is that KDE may look like windows OOTB on most distros, but if you want you can easily make it look like Gnome, Mac, Unity… whatever. The panels and menus are infinitely configurable.
And that is why this meme is dead on the money. I’ve come to hate dev teams that have “visions” that they cram down users throats regardless of the experience. And the irony is that Gnome 2 used to be much more configurable than older KDE versions.
I did a wtf at dude 4 in frame 3 until I realized he was getting punched and not… well… if you don’t see it maybe I’m just net-warped.
Hey no worries, I dunno why I even called that out. Lack of sleep due to back pain and responding to posts at 2am I guess
That’s some shitty ‘hacking’…
But what makes these shell commands ‘bash’ exactly? Seems like this could be a half-dozen shells.
Also… why are ‘hackers’ always using a shell in some gui program?
This. Throwing your trash on the ground because you can’t find a trash can amounts to childish entitlement in my eyes.
No trash cans in the forest, is OP saying they just litter all through nature when they go camping?
I missed this, someone have the TL;DR for the clueless?
I feel the same way about having to use Mac for work and going back to a Linux PC at the end of the day. God damn I hate Mac’s UX. From the entire UI, to the CMD key, to the fact that END functions as PGDN and goes to and of page instead of end of line.
There is absolutely nothing ‘Good’ about their will. Never has been.
Sometimes when you get UI experts and users and engineers in the same room they iterate to similar outcomes because its the logical conclusion. Apples design in this case isn’t ground breaking or even original.
If multiple species of jumping spider can independently evolve the ability to see red from different branches of their family tree, multiple dev teams can come to the same conclusion about what is more comfortable for reaching with consideration for left and right handed people on various types of screens.
The problem is so scoped these days, its fairly logical for UIs to come to the same outcome.
You can use Sonos speakers or any generic smart speaker that is not bound to a brand (like Google /Alexa)
Pro tip, Ikea smart speakers are rebranded Sonos at lower prices, and come hidden in all kinds of furniture forms.
However you don’t need to wholesale jump to HA and lose voice. For $8 CAD I got the Nabu-casa HA cloud assistant and SSL proxy (portal to your home HA without need to punch holes in firewalls) and their cloud assistant integrates with Google or Alexa.
So you can tie everything together and then move things over to the HA ecosystem as you have time, eventually cutting the Google/Amazon limbs off.
Home Assistant. Offline smart home automation you can control.
Home doesn’t have to be 100% dumb in 2023. But you have to do a little work for it.
Bonus: your smart home will be more capable and interconnected than any of the commercial smart home options because they are all busy trying to control the entire ecosystem and sue each other. (maybe Matter changes that but I’m not holding my breath)
Mandrake was my first Linux OS.