Like ants at a picnic
What I dont understand is what is the purpose?
Creating a fake relationship and then extracting money from people for example by getting them to invest money into fake crypto trading places.
On I get that. Are ppl that dumb?
Yes, its mostly older people that are alone that fall for this type of scam.
My sister-in-law works for a bank and she had a 70yo customer that sent multiple thousands of euros to a guy she has never met. They told her its a scam, but she insisted to send the money anyways. Her family had to watch her sending away all of her life savings.
Yes, its mostly older people that are alone that fall for this type of scam.
I’d wager that’s not the most represented demographic in the fediverse… and neckbeards tend to know better.
Even if its only 1 in 1000 that bites, its worth it for them. Average wage in many of the countries these scammers come from is probably like 50-200 euros, so getting someone to transfer you their savings can give you enough money to live from for years. Obviously, most of that money goes to the person operating the scam.
Obviously, most of that money goes to the person operating the scam.
And the scammers themselves are often forced labor.
Yes. People get scammed for millions this way.
A newer scam does an end-around the normal sniff tests. They don’t ask you to give htem money, they strike up a pretty genuine friendship, they have details that check out, so it feels like you’ve just made an actual friend. They’ll talk to you for months. And then they’ll mention that they’ve been making a lot of money on this cool new investment. Well you want to make a lot of money on an investment too, so you ask how, and they tell you how to download an app from the app store, which is supposed to be a safe place, and walk you through “investing” money in some crypto or whatever. Which of course is the payout.
You got that too, huh? I’m sure shes a sweet person 😊
Hey got the same one.
Is nicole cheating on me? q.q
She messaged me twice.
I’ll make sure to say hi for you next time.
p.s.: I’m a m*nor
This kind of attack is currently hard to mitigate as it comes from different accounts and different servers. Maybe there’s a way to filter incoming messages by keywords?
Otherwise, this is just an automatic bot, you can safely ignore it.
Uhm Why censor Minor?
Unexpected Keyboard for Android. Plus I won’t bother changing it.
if you do a scambot in the fediverse everyone will talk about it and probably know it’s fake
Darn, and I was so sure that it was specifically me that these Polish chicks were interested in. I got two messages.
I was told horny moms in my neighborhood were available.
I wonder if I could get two of these bots to talk to each other…
Maybe it would fill up their servers’ storage
Oh Dann I got this same message but it got deleted before I checked my inbox. I guess the instance mods are on point.
Hey me too! Lmao.
Hey I got this message, we are going to be going on a date soon. I just need to help her with some financials first, but I don’t see it as an issue.
Remember to give her your bank account details. It will make everything easier.
Mee too… Well, it means the fediverse is getting popular!
Pron and spam… It means success!
Why haven’t these romantic bots reached out to me 🤖💔 These robots are hurting my self esteem 😢
I didn’t get one either ☹️ I’m so starved for female attention I’d happily speak to a romance scammer, just can’t bring myself to do it on a non open platform.
🥵 HOT SINGLES IN YOUR AREA 🔥 --> totallynotascam. com
Feel better now?
Just give me your credit card and bank account details and your hookup will be there in no time!
I never seem to get appropriately coded romance scams.
I guess the RFI from my computer is jamming the gaydar.
How you doin’ 😉😏
That’s how you know we made it :D
Ayyy, I got one too!
A spam message that is.Good grief. You can type porn, you know. Porn porn porn.
If you do it the former way, you’re supposed to use a zero as well: “Pr0n.”
Yeah I am not good at it (porn, I mean…) Better at the other one (pron, I mean …)
m4d h4x0r!
(Gosh, I miss the internet of the olden days of the early 2000s. Simpler times back then 😁)
Good luck, I’m behind 7 proxies
i backtrace you
hunter2 ftw
Fuck! Porn! But maybe could ban me… /s
Maybe she didn’t want to though.
Why the hell do you care enough to post that here? What difference is it to you if they type pr0n or porn? The ‘you’re not cussing enough’ crowd confuses the fuck out of me
I mean, you still “cussed”. Switching two letters around doesn’t change the meaning and the original word doesn’t hold any special powers.
I agree it’s not much to make a reply about.
I think the attitude stems from the view that using placeholder words for swear words is often associated with religious/puritanical attitudes since there’s not really a reason to do it so the user reacts as they would to puritanical people invading their community i.e. hostile.
I think that’s not as true today but that’s where the backlash comes from.
You know, God forbid somebody uses voice dictation which bleeps it out or has to switch between work chats and social media.
Fuck, Even if it is somebody puritanical quoting on something they’ve got 70 up votes and somebody else has to come in and bitch at them because they might have sellf censored a word.
I think I’m just going to do the same rant every time someone plays that shit.
Since when is porn cursing? No one is chastising anyone for not cursing. You can talk like an adult here and use actual words. Mummy won’t shout at you.
Mummy won’t shout at you.
Who put you in charge of what words people choose to use do you have some form of badge for this?
Why do you get to matter?
It’s a long standing joke, calm down. I’ve joking called porn pron many times.
It’s what the Internet is for, anyway:
Goddamn I cant believe I have to explain this. Typing porn as pron or pr0n is funny because it connotates a rather transparent way of trying to hide your porn collection on a computer used by others/relatives. It in no way has anything to do with censoring. Stop getting faux outraged by every little non-thing. (he said outraged by a non-thing)
My stupid state has me blocked from many of the mainstream pr0n sites :( Too cheap to get a vpn though.
It’s fine, all the VPNs are run by feds!
Just buy the services of a prostitute like God intended.
“Buy”? They are to lay down and give themselves to you freely, for it is done in service of their lord.
Lemmy seems so snarky lately.
And me! There’s dozens of us!
Got one too, we did it Lemmy! We’re in the big leagues now!
You mean, … she’s not real? Say it isn’t so!
Smells like… victory
Some of the first ever spam messages were also sent on a decentralized, federated forum: Usenet.
I got a dm from this account as well haha
Yeah… it is global switch day. People switch to the fediverse.
No. Be realistic. Fediverse isn’t ready yet.
Obviously, scammers are ready.
My first spam on the Fediverse
I can find a town called Torun in poland. but i’m pretty sure theres no Toronto.
Wait 'til they start saying they use nix os.
You might be surprised to learn that people can be from one place, but live in another.