Calling this mildly infuriating is… well… putting it mildly.
Is this in reference to Juneteenth?
No, to the 19th amendment. 😭
What does your mom say?
My mom doesn’t vote cause dad doesn’t think it’s a woman’s place to do so.
On the one hand, yikes. On the other hand it’s probably good that she doesn’t vote, considering her views.
Ouch, would have imagined they had already separated. This screams divorced man energy.
They were never married to begin with. My dad is still married to his wife. And also together with my mom. I lived with my mom until I was 14 when my dad took me to live with him, his wife and their kids.
My condolences, dealing with shitty parents is always hell. He sounds like a real piece of shit.
My partner’s father has a similar second family scenario going on still and he’s like in his late 70s. Never understood how these dudes found the energy to be that much of an asshole.
I’m pretty sure if I even voiced a smidgen of what this said, my wife would literally make me disappear. What a douche-canoe.
It’s not my favorite day of the month and I suppose we could just stick a small month at the end of the year
This is your dad on Facebook. Thanks for clarifying his age classification in the headline as if it was the cause of his bigotry. Really great content we’re putting out here Lemmy.
I’m a millennial and I think it’s fine. We need to stop acting like it’s only boomers doing this shit.
Just say you’re middle aged and this offends you instead of bitching about the entire platform.
Our generation has a LOT to own up to that we pass on to Gen X and the Boomers.
In the US, many would likely presume Boomer. So it is context against that normal expectation due to stereotypes.
Could this actual be the 14th amendment, birthright citizenship? That’s in the news RIGHT now and makes more sense. But he is showing how dumb he is, unless this is a heavy /s
Now that we have an executive order stating that everyone is a woman, this gets more interesting.
I would argue that should be more than mildly infuriating.
The fact that this man is a father is sad
The most shocking thing to this millennial is that some of my peers have children old enough to post on lemmy.
Unfortunately, it completely tracks. If Dad was born in 85, has kid at 20, that kid is now 20. I’m pretty sure I have classmates whose kids are around that old now that I think about it.
Condolences to your dear mother.
My mom is his long term mistress. I was an affair baby. 🙃she knows and supports the kind of man he is.
Condolences rescinded with extreme prejudice. I hope they have bad luck and a lot of life insurance willed to you.
I feel sorry for sensible Americans at the moment, they’re in for a rough time. Too many absolute toolsheds in the states.
It honestly made me doubt everything I believed about democracy. Not saying go the other way, but man to people vote on emotion and short term gains vs using their brains at all
Yeah and this really does not go for just america as canada, europe, australia, heck south korea have had all sorts of goofy things.
I dunno, hive mind is starting to sound pretty good right about now.
At least the Borg are productive.
The year you were born does not define your views. I detest these arbitrary year-based labels.
Yeah, but there’s a stereotype that conservatism is only a boomer thing, so OP providing an example of a millennial also having a shitty view actually helps.
Screw it! We need to go younger. That’s right, it’s Logan’s Run time! Everyone over 30 gets euthanized. And I say this as someone over 30 myself.
This year in particular, conservatives are not just a boomer thing. There was a surprising amount of young male voters for Trump this year, mostly led in by the podcasters/commentators favored by that demographic (Joe Rogan, Andrew Tate, ya know, assholes). So it’s no surprise Trump changed his tune on the tiktok ban because he now wants to make sure these people (and people taking about these people) can still share their ridiculous thoughts and therefore become a hivemind and then all support him. Initially Trump wanted to ban tiktok, and it had nothing to do with user security or Chinese data mining, though that’s what the people around him made it into - it was because tiktok was how word was spread to embarrass him at his rallies.
All this to say - age has nothing to do with conservatism. Even back when I was in high school and college, there were always those asshole kids that cared way too much about their parents’ wealth and how it was taxed and had the views of an old white man.
The year you were born does not define your views.
But it can serve to predict it.
Whilst any individual within an arbitrary age bracket can be anything, trends and statistics for those age brackets can be measured and proven.
This is true for age with a much stronger effect than hair colour, because of the material impact it has on the cultural, economic and environmental factors which inform a person’s assumptions, experience and perception of norms.
this is the same logic used to justify racism fwiw
No, it isn’t.
Statistics are not value judgements.
They’re often used to justify racism but they’re still innocent.
Oh, I absolutely agree. I included that just to be more descriptive.
But by including that you imply that there is a causality relationship. You didn’t share his hair color even though that would also be more descriptive.
I think they included it to say that their person espousing this view isn’t older, like a boomer of gen-x-er.
But people often see this type of viewpoint and assume it’s a boomer or something. I think it’s important to show that these gross views span multiple age demographics.
Got to love that it has 120 upvotes
Also this isn’t a generational thing
For context:
He wants to ban women from voting
Does he not know a single women?
I don’t understand shitheads with this idea.
For those of us not from the star spangled lands:
The Nineteenth Amendment (Amendment XIX) to the United States Constitution prohibits the United States and its states from denying the right to vote to citizens of the United States on the basis of sex, in effect recognizing the right of women to vote.
So OPs dad is a sexist prick.
FWIW, this is my opinion as a millennial.
He could be arguing that US needs to take away the right to vote from men. So sexist, but misandrist instead of misogynist. He’s not, obviously, but in theory he could be. I see an argument in favour from where I’m sitting.
Screw it. Take away the right to vote from both men and women. Only those born intersex will have the franchise!
Now there is an interesting thought experiment. What would that kind of government look like?
A fair point to that is women’s voting and leadership tend to lead to more peaceful and fruitful governance
I feel that while this is true, such statements do a significant amount of whitewashing of the women who support people like Trump, which especially when it comes to white women is not an insignificant number.
Protesters were heard shouting “shame on you” right before DeLemus was seen pointing at protesters screaming “Shame on you, shame on all of you. Shame on you, killing babies.” It then escalated to her pointing at the crowd, repeatedly screaming “You’re a murderer!”
DeLemus also shouted, “I murdered my own baby!” referring to an abortion she had decades ago and has publicly declared her regret about in the past. In 2012, DeLemus recounted an abortion she had when a bill was up for discussion on instating a 24-hour waiting period, AP reported.
Many anti-choice women are convinced that their need for abortion is unique — not like those “other” women — even though they have abortions for the same sorts of reasons. Anti-choice women often expect special treatment from clinic staff. Some demand an abortion immediately, wanting to skip important preliminaries such as taking a history or waiting for blood test results. Frequently, anti-abortion women will refuse counseling. Some women insist on sneaking in the back door and hiding in a room away from other patients. Others refuse to sit in the waiting room with women they call “sluts” and “trash.” Or if they do, they get angry when other patients in the waiting room talk or laugh, because it proves to them that women get abortions casually, for “convenience”.
A few behave in a very hostile manner, such as calling clinic staff “murderers.” Years ago, a clinic counselor in British Columbia told me that one of her patients went into the procedure room apparently fine with her decision to have an abortion. During the abortion, at a stage when it was too late to stop the procedure, the woman started screaming “You murderers!” and other invectives at everyone in the room.
While it’s very true that women’s voting and leadership tends to lead to more peaceful outcomes, there’s still sadly a significant number of women who seem almost giddy at being part of the problem, like Ginni Thomas, for example.
This is not to mean that men aren’t still worse, they are. Just sometimes there’s attempts to treat women as all innocent victims of the controlling fascist right, and while for many that is indeed true, there’s many others where, well, I just don’t know if they’re actually a victim or a willing participant.
…Yes, individuals are different from each other and the aggregated sum shows a tendency for women being better at governance than men.
This obviously doesn’t mean that there are no men that are good at governance or women who are worse as you point out.
I’d love to see some statistics on that.
Go wild on and you will find plenty to read. :) Useful terms might be “women (duh)”, “gender”, “impact”, “governance”, “politics”, “environment”, “peace” etc Also private companies reports more long-term benefits with a majority of women board members so you might want to look for that as well
He could be arguing that US needs to take away the right to vote from men.
Not take it away for good; just take it away like mom takes away television privileges for a week so I can learn my lesson.*
*For legal purposes, this post is what is referred to as a joke. ;)
Brainrotten daddy has forgotten that there are no more votes to be held, smh my head