This is just dumb. Kids are not pets you train. You can educate and mentor them in the best way possible but in the end they’re unique independent human beings. I’ve only ever heard mostly people without kids saying this.
Agreed. Parents and kids’ childhoods do play a huge role in how they ultimately turn out. However, there are near infinite variables during their development, many of which are completely outside our control. The best thing we can do is like you said, educate, mentor, and physically and emotionally support them as best we can. Sometimes, kids just grow into douchebag adults.
Anyway, OP, at the party you should totally just act like Mac, Charlie, and Dennis when they steal Frank’s credit card and think they’re rich.
I can consistently sway my friends toward behaviours that are acceptable to me. I fail to see how this would somewhat be diminished in a parenting role.
What you are saying is that education is pointless and people comes out of random number generators.
That’s definitely not what they said, and I don’t see how you could read it that way except if you wanted to find something to complain about. There are much more meaningful battles to be fought than calling strangers on the internet bad parents.
I said I would react to getting such messadge from my child reflecting on the possible mistakes I made in raising them.
They said that’s not how it works.
I said education is a thing (implying therefore that parenting do actually play a role).
I had no idea people would get so mad at this, it’s quite interesting. Do you guys all have terrible kids and are all playing a choral defense?
I never said it’s easy to be a parent or that you could (or shoud) mold them into whatever you want. But you surely are not infallible and you can clearly track most people attitude and behaviour back to the parentig style and the example they’ve met in the household.
Am I missing something? Is pedagogy being redifined from the ground up and a parent is but a feeding tool?
(If I sounded smug is partially because my mother was constantly praising me growing up).
Honestly, if it was the other way around and the rich boyfriend was coming to a backyard bbq in the country, he’d feel uncomfortable wearing a suit probably, and it would help to give him a heads up on the “local customs.”
Trying to make sure two cultures are able to mesh well so that everyone gets along isn’t a bad thing. It was delivered badly here, but is not innately bad.
Not “I don’t want you to feel out of place” or “I don’t want you to embarrass yourselves” or “I don’t want these superficial people to think less of you because of something this superficial”.
Woah, pets are not pets you train either. Pets can be just as nuanced in personality as a kid. (Our dog is currently sassier than our child and doesn’t care for Dad jokes, our kid loves the dad jokes though).
You do, in fact, sound extremely smart. I’m sure your caretaker had absolutely nothing to do with it and the whole field of pedagogy is chock full of morons.
I’d kinda assume I may have played a role in my daughter upbringing…
This is just dumb. Kids are not pets you train. You can educate and mentor them in the best way possible but in the end they’re unique independent human beings. I’ve only ever heard mostly people without kids saying this.
Agreed. Parents and kids’ childhoods do play a huge role in how they ultimately turn out. However, there are near infinite variables during their development, many of which are completely outside our control. The best thing we can do is like you said, educate, mentor, and physically and emotionally support them as best we can. Sometimes, kids just grow into douchebag adults.
Anyway, OP, at the party you should totally just act like Mac, Charlie, and Dennis when they steal Frank’s credit card and think they’re rich.
Isn’t Dennis is high on crack while Mac and Charlie are squandering Frank’s riches?!
Did somebody get addicted to crack?
I can consistently sway my friends toward behaviours that are acceptable to me. I fail to see how this would somewhat be diminished in a parenting role.
What you are saying is that education is pointless and people comes out of random number generators.
That’s definitely not what they said, and I don’t see how you could read it that way except if you wanted to find something to complain about. There are much more meaningful battles to be fought than calling strangers on the internet bad parents.
I said I would react to getting such messadge from my child reflecting on the possible mistakes I made in raising them.
They said that’s not how it works.
I said education is a thing (implying therefore that parenting do actually play a role).
I had no idea people would get so mad at this, it’s quite interesting. Do you guys all have terrible kids and are all playing a choral defense? I never said it’s easy to be a parent or that you could (or shoud) mold them into whatever you want. But you surely are not infallible and you can clearly track most people attitude and behaviour back to the parentig style and the example they’ve met in the household.
Am I missing something? Is pedagogy being redifined from the ground up and a parent is but a feeding tool?
(If I sounded smug is partially because my mother was constantly praising me growing up).
Nobody said that. Well, you did, I guess.
Yeah no idea what he’s even trying to insinuate here. You didn’t raise her rich?
You didn’t raise her to find unacceptable to train your parents to behave differently to have them fit a crowd of rich people.
Honestly, if it was the other way around and the rich boyfriend was coming to a backyard bbq in the country, he’d feel uncomfortable wearing a suit probably, and it would help to give him a heads up on the “local customs.”
Trying to make sure two cultures are able to mesh well so that everyone gets along isn’t a bad thing. It was delivered badly here, but is not innately bad.
“I don’t want you to embarrass me”.
Not “I don’t want you to feel out of place” or “I don’t want you to embarrass yourselves” or “I don’t want these superficial people to think less of you because of something this superficial”.
Woah, pets are not pets you train either. Pets can be just as nuanced in personality as a kid. (Our dog is currently sassier than our child and doesn’t care for Dad jokes, our kid loves the dad jokes though).
Stupid people without kids. I don’t have 'em but I have a functioning cerebral cortex so I can’t even fathom saying something like that out loud
You do, in fact, sound extremely smart. I’m sure your caretaker had absolutely nothing to do with it and the whole field of pedagogy is chock full of morons.
Where did I say the caretaker has absolutely nothing to do with it?
But yes I guess it’s easier to win arguments when you can just wholesale invent what the other person’s saying out of thin air.
This is the comment you attacked, calling it dumb. I assume you are negating it.
The opposite of that sentence, according to modal laws, is…
I’m not interested in winning. I know what I have. You may take a second or two more before insulting strangers online, or offline for that matter.
Unlike you, who sounds…not smart.
But we have so much experience! I, too, was once a child for nearly 18 years! /s
Physically. But mentally even longer!