I’ve never fully understood how the ‘popcorn’ button on microwaves work (I’ve read different things that may or may not all be true depending on make/model), but my current one always runs for exactly 3 seconds too long and ever so slightly burns the popcorn.

It’s not burned enough to throw it out, but it does give a noticeable “burnt popcorn” smell that kind of ruins my day.

So instead of pressing “popcorn” and doing something else, I have to stand there and watch it to hit ‘cancel’ in time.

  • wjrii@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    It’s a little pricy, but we absolutely love this Cuisinart Air Fryer/Toaster Over thing for anything that was properly cooked elsewhere, though I’ve used it for halfway decent roasted potato wedges straight from the knife. Basket Air Fryers hold so little as to be more frustrating than anything, and stacking deep defeats the purpose half the time. I have no idea if the grill setting works well, though.

    Bake setting, 325, 2-3 minutes is all you need for most pizza reheatings.