Edit/Update: It turns out that my last name has a capitol letter in the middle and they put a space in it. Thank god. I can actually vote this year.

  • Skull giver@popplesburger.hilciferous.nl
    5 months ago

    How would an illiterate dude living in a cave register to vote?

    I guess America just can’t pull of what just about every European country does, but even then you don’t need this recurring manual registration mess. Just register everyone who filed a tax form last year and you should get most of the voting age population already.

    • Cryophilia@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      A huge fraction of people (again, poor people, whom I’m sure you’re too privileged to associate with) do not file taxes and are not required to file taxes. See we’re getting into that thing I mentioned earlier where I give a thousand examples and you individualize each one.

      How would an illiterate dude living in a cave register to vote?

      If he knows his date of birth and his social security number, he can register in California. If he doesn’t know his SSN, they can look it up for him. In Texas, he doesn’t get to vote.