Giver of skulls

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Joined 101 years ago
Cake day: June 6th, 1923

  • Arbitration court with one person is a win for the company. Arbitration court with a thousand people is a massive loss for the company. That’s why these arbitration clauses aren’t always bad. If anything, for small cases they’re good for the people because the bulk of the legal charges are paid by the companies that write these clauses.

    A bunch of large companies went through a phase where they all went for arbitration clauses, and a bunch of them moved back quickly after they found out how much more expensive paying for ten thousand arbitration cases was compared to just one single class action lawsuit. Maintaining ten thousand legally binding, individually composed outcomes can haunt them for decades if they’re unlucky.

    Steam has learned the same lesson here.

  • Based on my experience with drunks around roads, the cars generally aren’t at fault. People do real stupid shit when they’re drunk, like taking a highway tunnel instead of walking the extra 500m for the pedestrian tunnel. You can have all the protection you want, but if you’re to drunk to walk straight and end up in traffic there’s nothing to protect you. Same shit also happens with train tracks every now and then. Hell, I’ve even read stories about traffic deaths when drunk people and bikes collided (especially if the person on the bike was elderly).

    If you’re drunk enough that you can’t navigate the streets about as well as when you’re sober, take a cab or the bus or have someone pick you up. That’ll also help in case you run into health issues because of excessive alcohol intake.

    As a bonus for drunk accidents: because of the delayed response you may walk away from certain crashes with fewer injuries because your body doesn’t tense up to attempt to distribute the impact. On the other hand, you’re much worse off with other accidents.

  • DirectX is being translated to Vulkan in the background using dxvk already. And box64 exists for intercepting those translated Vulkan (and OS) calls and running them through native code instead.

    There’s a performance hit to engine code to be dealt with, but on the graphics side these tools already exist. With Qualcomm producing ARM CPUs that run x64 software as well as some mid tier x64 CPUs using emulation, and with the Steam Deck already being a low spec machine, I don’t see why running Windows games on a Qualcomm Steam deck would have to be a problem.

  • Winlator already does this on Android, for what it’s worth. Oblivion plays fine on my phone although touch input sucks.

    As for games on Asahi, there’s box64/box86 to accelerate games (redirecting graphics APIs and such to native code).

    You can already run apps made for foreign architectures by simply installing the right qemu package (not the virtual machine, the binary translator) and running the software using standard Wine. Conversely, you can also run Raspberry Pi software this way on normal PCs, which has proven very useful to me for cross compilation scenarios.

    I assume Valve will take all of this tech and optimise it a bit more. If you’re on a MacBook, your biggest challenge will probably be driver support, which is advancing at a rapid pace, but I’m not sure if you can get maximum performance out of it yet.

  • I believe this can happen when YouTube doesn’t detect hardware playback capabilities right. It gets stuck in mp4 mode which is often limited to 720p.

    My Steam Deck will play 4k60 video just fine so this seems to be a problem specifically on your end. YouTube will let you play videos of higher resolution than your screen offers regardless of you device (something I use often to get decent 1080p video out of the compressed trash YouTube pushes, by selecting 1440p or 4k on my 1080 devices).

    Possible fixes I can think of:

    • Try disabling all addons (yes, including adblock) to see if an addon is causing this. Works fine for me with uBlock, but who knows
    • Try resetting your Firefox profile. Sometimes a weird setting can break browsers in spectacular ways.
    • You’re probably using Flatpak for Firefox. You may need to enable hardware acceleration in a tool like Flatseal for high performance video playback.

  • Roads are expensive for sure, but they’re also necessary for last mile transport of good, even in walkable cities. Even bike paths need road maintenance because of environmental factors.

    We don’t need nearly as many lanes as many highways have, but the amount of car oriented roads isn’t as much of a problem as the implicit government subdisies flowing into roads is. Road users don’t pay enough to maintain the roads they’re using.

    This can all be fixed, though. Tax vehicles based on weight (for road damage), torque, and pollution, possibly with exemptions for trucks to make transport viable, and roads can be used and maintained. This has the added benefit of making land yachts less economically viable and making the roads safer for everyone as a consequence.

    Good luck convincing car owners to pay twice the amount of tax being spent on roads, though.