(i’m also gonna ambush my friends about Signal on sunday and coerce them to download it to get rid of the green bubbles)
you can pirate games but don’t jerk yourself off about it, you don’t have to justify downloading video games as media preservation to not be a bad person because of it
Your reminder that Nintendo 64 games on the Nintendo Switch are using an open source emulator that Nintendo has not contributed to or endorsed in anyway, and is believed to be using game ROMs collected by preservationists.
Historical piracy was never about social justice, especially when you consider that a number of pirates during the 1600-1800s received government’s blessings to operate, so long as they didn’t attack the nation’s ships.
Pirates simply did on sea the same thing highway robbers have been doing on land since the dawn of civilization.
Look guys, you don’t need to justify your piracy. There is nothing ethically wrong with pirating media.
Anticonsumer practices are justification enough. If someone has a childish response of “uR sTeaLiNg!!”, give them an equally childish retort and tell them to eat your farts.