Replaced the stock OLED drive with the 2tb drive from the LCD this morning, and so far so good - no issues to report.
Even my modded games (New Vegas, Witcher 3) carried over with no problems.
Replaced the stock OLED drive with the 2tb drive from the LCD this morning, and so far so good - no issues to report.
Even my modded games (New Vegas, Witcher 3) carried over with no problems.
I’ve intermittently tried to get Shogun 2 running on Linux over the past two years and have not been able to get it to boot up. The native Linux version has been broken for a while, so this is great news.
Look guys, you don’t need to justify your piracy. There is nothing ethically wrong with pirating media.
Anticonsumer practices are justification enough. If someone has a childish response of “uR sTeaLiNg!!”, give them an equally childish retort and tell them to eat your farts.
Fuck me, I now feel like a clown for taking advantage of that lifetime subscription I bought a couple of months back.