No games that lead to players being pissed at other players, even outside of the confines of the game. I’ve had that happen with, for example, Secret Hitler, so no Secret Hitler.
The Mind seems to do that. Hanabi does it to an extent.
Check out ! in case you’re not aware. Lots of discussion happening there.
Regarding your question, it’s hard to say since you don’t mention any mechanics, or complexity level, that you prefer. Based on the couple of examples you provide, you seem to like cooperative card games. If so, you should check out ‘The Crew’. It’s the most popular of that genre in my game club.
The Crew is solid.
The Gang too, which is sorta similar. I’ll bring a bag of board games and only end up playing The Gang all night if it comes out too early.
Looks fun, just ordered the game now! 😊
You’ll never perfectly solve the “no pissing people off” issue because in competitive games you necessarily have people benefit at the expense of others and in cooperative games you’ll fall into the trap of backseat-driver players telling you what to do on your turn.
That being said, here are some of my favorites I’d like to suggest:
- Time Stories (kinda like a time-travel themed mystery-solving role-playing game where the pre-built deck is your DM. 1-4 players. You can buy more decks, each with a different setting and story.).
- Pandemic (Stop
COVIDa deadly disease from killing off the planet. Work together to limit the spread and find the cure before it’s too late) (1-4 players)
- The Settlers of Catan (claim resources and land strategically to build the most prosperous kingdom) (2-4 players but there are expansions and spinoffs so this could be like 1-6 players)
- 7 Wonders (draft cards to build the most prosperous kingdom) (3-8 players IIRC)
- Betrayal in the House on the Hill (explore a haunted house until you find a dark secret that turns one of you into a villain the rest have to fight) (3-6 players)
Catan is nice because you spend 90% of the time building your stuff, and only 10% losing to one of the other players.
It depends on the group. Sometimes you have people intentionally cutting you off, revenge robber placements, and politics.
Downside is Catan is fucking boring. It’s one of those games where most of the time you’re stuck waiting for your next turn. 5-6 player add on just makes the game infinitely worse. Out of the expansions, Seafarers is nice since it gives you more to do, tho the standalone Starfarers is my go to pick if I gotta play Catan since it sorta has the best parts of all expansions plus random encounters and a more even start. I also like that in the 5-6 player mode 2 players take their turns simultaneously. Tho Catan still isn’t my go-to of board games.
Newer cooperative games mostly avoid the quarterbacking issue by having secret info, or just making it complicated enough that it’s impractical for 1 person to track everything.
I really like Mysterium. It’s kinda cooperative, but players also work independently. The premise is that one player is a ghost, and the rest of the players are psychic detectives who have their own vision of how the murder happened. The ghost gives out clues using surreal, dream-like cards for the psychics to figure out their personal guess on what the weapon, location and murderer was. At the end the ghost gives clues to which psychic was right.
I personally like it because it isn’t just logic and strategic thinking, you have to use your creative/artistic part of your brain as well, if not moreso.
Spirit island is my favorite game to play with a group. It has you trying to protect an island from colonists who damage the island with their expansions. Each player has different abilities that force you all the work together & requires a lot of teamwork to win especially some of the higher difficulties.
I don’t know if I’d considered it a board game, but the Forbidden Island game (and the others like it) spring to mind. The idea is that you and the other players have to work together to gather everything you need including the treasure you came for before the island you’re on sinks into the ocean.
It’s fun working together and I always thought it did a good job of incentivising that.
Seconding Forbidden Island/Desert/Sky. Island is what I break out to introduce new folks to co-op gameplay, then switch to Desert once they get the hang of it.
Pandemic hits a lot of the same notes, and can get really hairy at the end.
We love Wingspan. Meadow is pleasant.
Just One was a great game for 4 people. Three people have to get the fourth person to guess a particular word. They each write down a one-word hint. If any two (or more) players write the same word hint, they don’t get to show that word to the guesser. It’s a lot of fun when you see the different ways people interpret words to come up with hints and how two (or more) words can work together to make you think of the answer.
Just One can also do a lot more than 4 players. If you add additional writing surfaces and erasable markers (or pencils or whatever) it’s pretty much unlimited.
Edit: It has enough for 7 players in the box (at least my copy does)
The pandemic board games, either one of them can give that feeling.
Me and my friends are terrible at that game apparently. Our poor Legacy game world…
Ticket to Ride and Carcassonne for me. I play those with my wife and we don’t really get in each other’s way. She usually wins but I don’t care.
Mansions of Madness. It’s my wife’s new favorite game. The game has many different scenarios and they play out pretty differently each time. The game is almost all co-op, so it’s players VS. the game. I was actually against the need for an app at first but it simplifies a lot and helps keep track of a lot of the mundane stuff.
I don’t know how the game does it, but in so many sessions the last actions are so important. I have often won the game within the last possible action. Such a great feeling.
Going from “easy, everything is fine” to “everything on fire, NPCs dead, several Monsters” in two rounds. Then winning by a clever set oft actions, where several player habe to coordinate, is peak feeling oft accomplishment.
I see the app as the DM. Plus, you can tell it what expansions you own, and it includes it all when it makes the map — you can play the same scenario and get different layouts.
Yeah that’s exactly it. It’s also kind of nice that all the players are working together against the app, so no one has to DM or be the “bad guy”.
I find it quite fun to play semi-collaboratively too.
Yeah. It’s super easy to house-rule Carcassonne as a pure co-op game. Remove the farmers (to keep your sanity, because co-op is actually much harder), keep the rules about Castle and road occupation (where a tie gets scored for each tied player), and play to maximize the combined players score. None of the strategy is lost and trying to carefully double occupy everything is sometimes a nail biting challenge.
There’s actually a specifically cooperative expansion for Carcassonne, called Mists Over Carcassonne. It adds an element of managing a ghost population while trying to cooperatively reach a target score based on certain scenarios.
Oh, I’m going to have to pick up a copy of Mists over Carcassonne. Thank you!
We got Tokaido for Xmas a few years back and it’s super chill to play with others
Looks good! Thanks for the recommendation
Betrayal at the House on the Hill has about 50 different scenarios so almost every playthrough is different. But it’s best to have at least 4 players to be more fun
Here’s some suggestions, just games I find I get lots of play out of and people are always willing to play.
Dune Imperium is probably my favorite. It’s a deck builder with worker placement. It’s got a lot of different strategies you can take to win, there’s not one set way. Dune Imperium: Uprising is an updated (for the 2nd movie) version of the game that fixes some things from the first one, tho I think I still prefer the original. This one is a bit more serious, but I’m including it because it’s my favorite.
Everdell is a great game and very easy to get into. Mostly worker placement with some engine building. Cute theme and it looks great on the table. Definitely recommend giving it a look. Avoid the expansions when buying, they might add too much to the gameplay. There is an updated version Everdell: Farshore, which I’ve heard is better, tho I haven’t played it.
Clank! And any in that series are also super friendly and easy to get into. It’s a dungeon exploration deck builder. Personally I’d recommend going with Clank! Catacombs, which is the updated version that adds a tile based map so each play through is a little different. I have not played Clank! In Space or any of the others.
7 Wonders is a fun pick and pass type game. You build up your city and try to win via military, economic, or scientific power. Easy to pick up, and has more strategy in it than first glance. The 2-player version 7 Wonders: Duel has to be my favorite 2 player game. Note on Duel, if you get it, the only expansion I’d pick up is Agora, Pantheon just isn’t as impactful.
Black Hole Rainbows, absolutely ridiculous game, everyone scoffs at it at first and then has a stupid good time playing it. It’s stupidly colorful and definitely over produced but that’s part of the charm. If you can find a copy, buy it. Hard to get right now.
Ticket to ride is really fun. You kind of do your own thing building train routes the whole time. Not too much overlap to block other people unless you know the routes super well, and even then you don’t know what people are going for based on the routes they have to complete. All in all, it’s one of my favorite board games.
Imagine is one of the favourite games in my IRL friend group whenever we get together. It’s basically Alias, but instead of explaining the word verbally, you use transparent cards with shapes drawn on them that you can overlap and move around. It’s chill, fun, and fits any group size.
Calico is my personal favourite, because the concept of making a kitty blanket is just too cute to pass on.
P. S. The link isn’t where I bought the game - I just googled the English version and posted the first link I found.