I don’t understand why you think that is a contradiction. You both agree there’s a spectrum between the two. Technically, if you’re not 100% authoritarian you have a greater-than-zero alignment with libertarianism.
Now, if you’re trying to say landing somewhere in the middle of the spectrum means you’re neither, then I tend to agree with you (labels suck). However, I’d take it a step further and say that nobody is going to be the 100% perfect embodiment of either end of the spectrum, and therefore, no true authoritarian or libertarian exists. I think, to say either one of you is wrong is just arguing semantics.
Do you not understand what a spectrum is? It cannot be both binary AND a spectrum. Those two things are mutually exclusive. Bimodal perhaps (though I don’t think it is in this case), but not binary.
I think you have gender and sex confused. I also think that you’re an authoritarian in denial spiraling and reaching for any straw to grasp or goal post to change to. Gender is not binary. It’s fluid. But what would I know I’m just, the bisexual furry that you’re responding to.
It’s a bit more nuanced than that irl. You may think rule of law is important and appreciate the authority of the courts, for example. Or you may think that someone had to pass the laws and appreciate the authority of the legislature in that regard. Institutions without authority are pointless, but they’re not all inherently authoritarian unless you stretch that adjective to breaking point
A belief system that opposes authoritarianism, which is a form of social organization that favors obedience to authority. Anti-authoritarians often believe in civil liberties and equality before the law.
Aka I will live a moral life even if it is illegal.
Edit: ok now that I’m getting downvotes I feel I need to explain: the conventional usage of the word libertarian is not commensurate with it covering such a wide range of the political spectrum. Usually we mean people who favour mildly anarchistic views (minimal governmental institutions, low taxation, low intervention). Representing that niche as half of the political spectrum is highly disingenuous
the word libertarian literally does mean what I’m telling you though . What your experiencing is that your personal definition is not matching up with everyone else’s reality. You’ve just been misinformed and have only been exposed to a subset of libertarian ideals . To put this in an analogy it’s like if I said truck and you assumed I was talking about a Ford F-350 when in fact I’m referring to all trucks. From tiny k trucks to 18 wheeler big rigs
No, what I’m experiencing is the conventional meaning of the term as used by people in normal language not matching up with a technical definition that you favour. It’s fine that you prefer to use the word that way, you just can’t expect everyone else to
Well you seem to be in the minority here so it would appear that the majority of people understand my definition as correct since that’s the definition as defined in multiple dictionaries.
Lol at that person’s reply: “No, but the chart says it’s true!”
These people have some desperate need for neat little boxes, each with their own designation, to put themselves and others into, and that’s just not how the world works.
My guy I’m not arguing for neat little boxes. I’m saying that each of the little green boxes and neat little yellow boxes are all their own separate views and opinions, but all fall under the collective branch of libertarianism. And in that same breath I will tell you that Russia, China the United States Great Britain, Germany, etc can all be classified as authoritarian states.
Lol, most of the axis didn’t even have labels. The reductionism is obviously silly, but presenting the classic 2D model as if that was actually how words are used is genuinely hilarious
You contradict yourself in the first paragraph.
It is a spectrum, which is why “anybody who isn’t an authoritarian is a libertarian” is not true.
I don’t understand why you think that is a contradiction. You both agree there’s a spectrum between the two. Technically, if you’re not 100% authoritarian you have a greater-than-zero alignment with libertarianism.
Now, if you’re trying to say landing somewhere in the middle of the spectrum means you’re neither, then I tend to agree with you (labels suck). However, I’d take it a step further and say that nobody is going to be the 100% perfect embodiment of either end of the spectrum, and therefore, no true authoritarian or libertarian exists. I think, to say either one of you is wrong is just arguing semantics.
My guy look at the chart
I’m aware of the chart. You are saying that only the two very extremes exist. That’s silly.
You either like authority or you don’t. That’s binary. How much you like or dislike it is the spectrum.
Do you not understand what a spectrum is? It cannot be both binary AND a spectrum. Those two things are mutually exclusive. Bimodal perhaps (though I don’t think it is in this case), but not binary.
Numbers are negative or positive unless they are zero
Gender is also a spectrum, do you agree? So are you saying that means that if you’re not a man, then you’re a woman?
I think you have gender and sex confused. I also think that you’re an authoritarian in denial spiraling and reaching for any straw to grasp or goal post to change to. Gender is not binary. It’s fluid. But what would I know I’m just, the bisexual furry that you’re responding to.
You seem confused about what point is being made here… Maybe reread the thread?
Or you appreciate authority in some matters, but reject it in others. That’s the point in the spectrum that rejects the simple binary.
Edit: just realised both my last posts were responding to you. I’m not stalking or weird shit I swear! It just happened I woke up with more opinions!
If you appreciate authority, you’re an authoritarian…
It’s a bit more nuanced than that irl. You may think rule of law is important and appreciate the authority of the courts, for example. Or you may think that someone had to pass the laws and appreciate the authority of the legislature in that regard. Institutions without authority are pointless, but they’re not all inherently authoritarian unless you stretch that adjective to breaking point
Anti-authoritarianism A belief system that opposes authoritarianism, which is a form of social organization that favors obedience to authority. Anti-authoritarians often believe in civil liberties and equality before the law.
Aka I will live a moral life even if it is illegal.
Any assertion in chart form must be true!
Edit: ok now that I’m getting downvotes I feel I need to explain: the conventional usage of the word libertarian is not commensurate with it covering such a wide range of the political spectrum. Usually we mean people who favour mildly anarchistic views (minimal governmental institutions, low taxation, low intervention). Representing that niche as half of the political spectrum is highly disingenuous
the word libertarian literally does mean what I’m telling you though . What your experiencing is that your personal definition is not matching up with everyone else’s reality. You’ve just been misinformed and have only been exposed to a subset of libertarian ideals . To put this in an analogy it’s like if I said truck and you assumed I was talking about a Ford F-350 when in fact I’m referring to all trucks. From tiny k trucks to 18 wheeler big rigs
No, what I’m experiencing is the conventional meaning of the term as used by people in normal language not matching up with a technical definition that you favour. It’s fine that you prefer to use the word that way, you just can’t expect everyone else to
Well you seem to be in the minority here so it would appear that the majority of people understand my definition as correct since that’s the definition as defined in multiple dictionaries.
Lol at that person’s reply: “No, but the chart says it’s true!”
These people have some desperate need for neat little boxes, each with their own designation, to put themselves and others into, and that’s just not how the world works.
My guy I’m not arguing for neat little boxes. I’m saying that each of the little green boxes and neat little yellow boxes are all their own separate views and opinions, but all fall under the collective branch of libertarianism. And in that same breath I will tell you that Russia, China the United States Great Britain, Germany, etc can all be classified as authoritarian states.
Lol, most of the axis didn’t even have labels. The reductionism is obviously silly, but presenting the classic 2D model as if that was actually how words are used is genuinely hilarious
I’m not glad you think it’s funny that you were not properly educated in political terminology and political science.
your teachers failed you.