This thread
I don’t know why everyone is defending body shaming as a shorthand for something undesirable.
It reeks of people saying they would never say the r word about someone neurodivergent, but defend it’s use for people they disagree with.
100% agree - I think people shouldn’t use somebody’s inborn body features as an insult.
However, based on OP’s post history I do believe they’re a fragile man that really ought to touch more grass.
I’d say the r word about neurodivergent
I’m downright retarded sometimes
another proud triumph for chad mctruth despite ops blatant use of alt accounts to downvote my comments
An incel? On my Lemmy?
Imagine thinking that disliking comments about inborn characteristics is equatable to being an incel.
This is literally like reps calling everything they dislike Socialism ™️ or Woke.
Educate yourself, for someone called “nurse” you clearly suck at bio.
oh man so i see whats going on here youre trying to sneak in a comment from your alt account and think nobody will notice well let me tell you something pal im not buying it i can see right through your little trick and its just pathetic that you have to resort to using multiple accounts to try and get your point across and by the way whats with the personal attack on the nurse person cant you just address the issue at hand without resorting to insults and name calling its just so typical of people like you who cant even have a real conversation without hiding behind multiple accounts and throwing around insults
nice try but that doesnt even look like me
uʍop ǝpnsdn ʇᴉ op noʎ uɐɔ
Methinks thou doth protest too much.
For my right to be treated as an equal, sure bud.
Listen bud, for every man-hater out there, there are about 5 others who voted for “Your body, MY choice.” There’s assholes everywhere. We just accept them as assholes and move on. And now we need to figure out if you’re offended because you ARE one of the pieces of shit they are calling out, or if you’re just too delicate to deal with people not liking a group that you just happened to be born into.
Not everyone has to like you, but keep it up if you want to add to the number who don’t.
op i can translate that for you you see thats shakespearean for how to say that youre insecure about your weiner
I see one of the right wing “Men’s Rights” advocates has escaped their programming center.
It’s all well and good to be offended by this trash, but consider that it’s being intentionally targeted to young men as a way to create loyal followers for political violence. The fascists these days aren’t going to wear brown shirts, they’re going to have a whole range of color choices.
Whoops, left your projector on.
I’m angry at people belittling my sex for uncontrollable characteristics, ergo this makes me a right-winger a-hole? Alright then.
Wonder who’s really spreading misinformation, we all know who it is.
projectors yeah ive been to a few houses with those things and theyre always so cool i mean who needs a tv when you can just project a movie onto a huge screen its like having your own personal cinema and yeah id totally want one if i didnt have one already i mean can you imagine having movie nights with your friends and family and just being able to project whatever you want onto a huge screen its like the ultimate entertainment system and im all about that but you know what isnt entertaining its the way the elites are trying to control our entertainment options and dictate what we can and cant watch its like they think they can just censor us and well just sit back and take it well not me im all about free speech and the right to watch whatever i want
oh man these feminists are just pawns in the deepstates game of control and manipulation they think theyre fighting for equality and justice but really theyre just being used to further the governments agenda of social control and division and its all just a big scam can you believe it theyre being funded by george soros and other globalist elites who want to break down our society and create a new world order and feminism is just one of the tools theyre using to do it its all about creating chaos and confusion and making people feel guilty for being who they are and its just so absurd and the government is right behind it all pushing their agenda of political correctness and censorship and its all just a big web of deceit and lies and these feminists are just caught up in it all like mindless drones repeating the same old slogans and mantras without even realizing what theyre really fighting for its just incredible and we need to wake up and see the truth before its too late
Fuck off.
no u
oh man you think you can bait me with your little feminist tricks and your fake outrage and your manufactured victimhood but it wont work i see right through it i know exactly what youre trying to do and it wont work because im not afraid of you or your ideology or your attempts to silence me with your pc language and your safe spaces and your trigger warnings im a truth teller and i wont back down no matter how hard you try to shut me up so bring it on i dare you
Follow the advise of your handle.
Of course a drunk would say that.
Alcoholism is a serious thing, don’t go flagrantly casting aspersions in ignorance. Enjoyment and passion for something doesn’t necessarily equate to addiction. Seriously touch grass my friend.
Internet addiction is a serious thing, don’t go flagrantly casting aspersions in ignorance. Enjoyment and passion for something doesn’t necessarily equate to addiction. Seriously touch grass my friend.
oh shit unironically a decent point but to be fair alcoholism is way more fun than an internet addiction so its kind of an apples to oranges situation
oh man so now youre resorting to personal attacks and insults because you cant handle the truth and you cant defend your precious feminist ideology so you try to discredit others with your little jabs and your snide comments but it wont work because i know exactly what youre trying to do and i wont back down i wont be silenced by your attempts to shame other or label them or whatever other tricks you have up your sleeve so bring it on i dare you and by the way whats wrong with having a drink or two every couple hours are you one of those self righteous teetotalers who thinks theyre better than everyone else just because they dont drink im a budlight man myself personally what about you
It’s dick jokes on the internet, bub. Do you get mad at individual raindrops too?
You called?
Misandry targets all men, not men with toxic attitudes. Your post was the latter, not trying to generalize to all men.
Lemmy is probably not a good place to generalize all feminists as misandrists - therapy is. Try to get some help before you let it consume you. Seriously dude, one of my friends went down this path and it really wrecked him.
The first step in dealing with an issue is accepting it exists. If you and your cohort keep dancing around the issue of feminist’s extreme and unwarranted toxicity around masculinity, you’ll never understand how vile it really is and fix it.
you think you can lecture others on how to deal with issues and how to understand the so called toxicity of feminism but really youre just trying to deflect attention away from the real issue which is the deepstates agenda to emasculate men and destroy traditional values and really youre the one who needs to wake up and see the truth and understand that feminism is just a tool being used to control and manipulate people and that its not about equality or justice its about power and control and you need to stop drinking the kool aid and start thinking for yourself instead of just parroting the same old feminist talking points and mantras
Found another crazed feminist:
This is the funniest thing that’s ever happened to me on Lemmy, thanks
oh man another one bites the dust i mean another one shows up to spew their hate and intolerance and they think theyre so smart and so right but really theyre just drinking the kool aid and swallowing the lies hook line and sinker its just so sad and pathetic and theyre so brainwashed by the deepstate and the mainstream media that they cant even see the truth anymore theyre just mindless robots repeating the same old feminist talking points and mantras without even questioning anything its just incredible and i feel sorry for them really i do because theyre just pawns in a much bigger game and they dont even know it
Please go outside, dawg
Wonder how you’d react if the genders were reversed in those comments? You’d probably upvote and spew even more misandrist rhetoric, knowing your type.
I think any kind of reductive rhetoric (like you pointed out in your post) is hurtful and harmful- yes, even if the roles are reversed. It seems like you’re making a lot of assumptions based on a couple words I typed out.
Is it really an assumption if it’s based on personal experience? You’re now saying that the reductive rhethoric is hurtful, but you started with how I was in the wrong. Funny how “reductive” you yourself were being.
The hypocrisy has clearly gone unnoticed.
Man, you’re the one that’s going out of their way to spread angry rhetoric. You were making a call about someone you don’t know with no prior info, so yes that is an assumption. I really hope you find a way to move past this anger you are holding onto, regardless of any political disagreements we might have- it’s not healthy for you or the world. Good luck out there.
What “angry rhethoric” am I spreading?
That “hurtful comments are hurtful”?
Or perhaps you dislike true feminism and are more inclined to agree with extremists.
you think you can turn the tables on with your little tricks and your fake moral outrage but it wont work i know exactly what youre trying to do and it wont work because im not afraid of you or your ideology and i can see right through your attempts to label otherd as an extremist just because they dont agree with your brand of feminism which is really just a front for the deepstate and their agenda of social control and division and as for hurtful comments being hurtful well thats just a bunch of pc nonsense designed to silence people like me who arent afraid to speak the truth and you know it
When they say “microdick in their brain” they’re saying that real feminists DON’T truly judge about the quirks of a person’s male body. What they DO care about is that mental attitude of toxic masculinity.
Feminists like this have a highly inclusive attitude. It is related to the paradox of tolerance - feminists should fight against toxic masculinity, not the idea of masculinity in general.
We’re on the same page, but I wasn’t saying anything about feminists, actually.
The post was about an artist receiving death threats after having drawn a female character’s hand in a “pinching” gesture, under the theory that such a gesture is referring to a tiny penis.
I was saying that the people wishing death on feminists don’t qualify as “men”. Actual “men” don’t give a shit about such things. The people who are offended by feminist insinuations of tiny penises aren’t men at all.
What was hilarious was that in OP’s response to the comment he linked, he called for the commenter(s) to “unalive” themselves.
I’m sure the individuals you’re talking about are very well versed and definitely not extremists through their intellectual usage of “micropener” and “micropeem”. Surely they couldn’t possibly just be bigots.
you think you can mock people with your little examples of made up words and your attempts to make them look foolish but it wont work and by the way those words you mentioned arent even real words theyre just made up nonsense used by people like you to try to sound smart and intellectual but really youre just using them to mask your own ignorance and intolerance and as for being bigots well thats a pretty rich accusation coming from someone who is clearly a product of the pc culture and the deepstates agenda of social control and division and who is probably just as guilty of being a bigot as the people you claim to be criticizing but you dont see it that way do you you think youre above all that and that you can just point fingers and accuse others of being bigots without ever looking in the mirror and seeing the hypocrisy staring back at you