I gotta watch evil on Netflix. Its good! Lol.
This is AI generated, right? Looks off.
Doesn’t look like that to me, it just looks like someone quickly drew it up in that general style.
The thumb looks cartoonish, the fold under “…but then why are they” is inconsistent and has the bottom of letters too far under it, the words at the bottom of the page look especially borked (look at “are needed”). Pretty certain this is a generated image.
Google reverse image search has it showing up on ytmnd in 2006. I don’t think it’s AI generated.
Ah nice find, thanks! I think this was used as a reference to generate an image of someone holding an actual printed copy, then
I suppose it sort of looks like that, but it also looks like it could have been an image that was smoothed/upscaled by an “AI” algorithm, but not generated by it directly.
I’ve upscaled a lot of images before, and the slight font blurring, crinkle lines becoming smoother, translucency of the fingernail looking off, etc all looks to me more like upscaling or smoothing than it does a complete generation.
I’m not ruling it out completely, but generally, this length and quality of text isn’t something an AI model can consistently do. It will deteriorate very quickly if you try and have a GenAI model output this much text.
I think it’s worse than what you’ve described – the closer I look, the worse it gets. The font isn’t slightly blurry, it’s garbled and the letters are inconsistent. The crinkle lines aren’t just smoother, they don’t look like paper crinkle (loose point on my part, I’ll concede – hard to describe). The fingernail isn’t oddly translucent, the entire thumb looks like a cartoon thumb. Someone else found the original image on ytmnd, I think using that as an input is how the length and consistency of the text was barely maintained. The bottom right part of the background behind the goat demon isn’t right either, unlike the original.
I think that given that context, the idea they used it as a base image and generated the rest on top of it does actually seem quite likely. Especially if they’d used a tool like ControlNet, that would explain how the text was still as consistent as it is, albeit not perfect.
nah i saw this last decade
witnessing techniques
I’m not even gonna ask.
Something like “I see God and have to tell you about it”.
No no, you need to use the advanced ones on Mr Grouch, or he’ll trick you into realising the load of crap we’ve been feeding you.
But yeah it’s weird to see witnessing used to mean basically the same as “evangelizing”, I associate witnessing to crime…
witness in(terrogatin)g techniques
It’s their word for “proselytizing”
Christians ending up in Valhalla thinking twice about how they witnessed. 😂
Handle us? You’ll handle us? You know, your predecessors had much more respect.
I am immensely more fulfilled and content now than when I thought there was a wizard in the sky who reads my mind and judges me
Avoid talking to them!
They might make sense, and we haven’t finished indoctrinating you!
Grumpy and bitter? You are the fucktards constantly trying to spoil all the fun!
What doppelgänger said.
Leave Mr. Guff alone!
I was always so sad because I had to pretend to be a boy. Doing way better now.
ROFL That’s hilarious, I’m only grumpy on the days that fatigue can’t be beat by sleep. Otherwise, I’m pretty happy as my joy doesn’t come from the belief in something that might not exist.
What’s that gif from?
Might be from the new Space Jam
I suspected it might be but Mad Max references seem a bit heavy for space jam
It is a Mad Max reference, but I think it’s a reference to a Space Jam scene making a Max Max reference.
I love tricking people into neglecting god’s word.
If I remember correctly this is from a site it gave fursona to other groups they didn’t like including Jewish, and Islamic folks. It was an educational site directed to children
Yeah it was called Lambuel or something. I got a lot of laughs out of it.
I think it was here. But it’s either gone now or lost somewhere in the slop. I can’t even tell if this real or some kind of satire.
What is this?
What should you do if you find an Atheist?
If you find an Atheist in your neighborhood, TELL A PARENT OR PASTOR RIGHT AWAY!
You may be moved to try and witness to these poor lost souls yourself, however AVOID TALKING TO THEM!
Atheists are often very grumpy and bitter and will lash out at children or they may even try to trick you into neglecting God’s Word.
Very advanced witnessing techniques are needed for these grouches. Let the adults handle them.
I have become a megatheist. I buy into all the gods.
Ha! Love the idea of joining a church and then comparing their god to all the other ones. “Who do you think would win in a fight?” And watch the feathers fly
“But can god beat Goku?”
I mean Saitama literally does beat God. Only to forget or something
Goku has plot power level ups up his ass
If we are going by canon.
Jaweh controls the universe surrounding the Dragonball Universe.
But what if Goku shows up with an iron chariot? (Judges 1:19)
Yuweh would just smite the artist who drew it.
Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
Even the bible says there are plenty of side bitches. God just doesn’t want you to have any.
That doesn’t even say you cant worship other gods, just that this god comes first?
Praise Zeus! <-- bad
…but not as much as Yahweh! Man, he’s the best! <-- a-okay!
New gospel: All Gods are real and the reason they no longer meddle in the affairs of mortals is because they are too busy fighting their wars in heaven.
New gospel: All Gods are real
That’s the old gospel. Even at the time of the apostles polylatry (like idolatry, but different). All the gods are real but this god is your god. Hence all the proscriptions against idolatry and other gods.
And they fought in spirit and by archons. When David slew Goliath (or his chroniclers stole valor from Ethanan), that was a contest between gods, even as modern interpretations of the fight coach it in materialist terms.
The rising denial of gods via monotheism occurred after Caesar became Christian since prior Caesars got into the habit of persecuting those who didn’t worship Caesar’s god, or eventually Caesar, himself.
Sorry, I never read The Lord of the Rings so I don’t understand any of this lore.
Since I have been talking about LOTR lore in other comment threads, you totally threw me.
The Silmarillion: still makes more sense than the Bible.
That sounds metal AF
I just finished reading American Gods by Neil Gaiman so this theory seems good to me!
Why are they always so sad, or why are they so sad when there are evangelical christians around? Because I think it’s the latter.
Yes but can we trust you Mr friend_of_satan?
Never forget, Satan was fired for doing his job.