Fascism is unconditionally bad, but the term “red fash” is ahistorical, illogical and made up right wing bullshit to push people away from communism
Fascism is unconditionally bad, but the term “red fash” is ahistorical, illogical and made up right wing bullshit to push people away from communism
You roll your eyes, yet you think yourself smarter and better than all revolutionaries who existed and succeeded…
Bringing up fucking rojava, that’s how I know. No support for socialists who managed to change the world like the Bolsheviks or the Cuban revolution, or socialists like Gaddafi and Nasser.
Bingo. The only “worthy” leftist movements in these people’s minds are the ones that failed, because they weren’t tested under real world conditions. Anarchism in the Spanish civil war, Allende, those are fine to glorify because they ultimately lost, and that way you can keep your moral high ground and standards by worshipping an idealised version of them rather than real-life socialism with material and historical costraints
Lmao, the Rojava are a minor movement in a very restricted area, and will exist for as long as the US is interested in their presence in the region.
how you got “doesnt support leftist movements” for defining tankie
Hey, I’m not the one denying every socialist experiment in history and decrying it as “authoritarian” without having done any serious study on it, and sharing the same point of view on it with libs.
Tell me one (1) leftist movement that actually achieved significant social change that you support
“I’m a leftist, and I proudly support 0 historical leftist movements which actually achieved anything”
I’m a communist and not from the US, saying that the democrats are at the left is laughable
From “leftist” to democrat real quick there mate.
And yes, platforming people who think trans don’t deserve rights is harmful and the left rightfully should criticise it
Spoken like a true lib who hasn’t grabbed a history book in their lives. You have done exactly ZERO study of this so-called “authoritarianism”, its characteristics, actual comparisons with western systems, and the reasons for certain degrees of oppression in different systems. Your entire analysis is vibes-based, and doesn’t hold up to the slightest scrutiny, and leads you to being on the side of the US Department of State propaganda on 99% of occasions. Remember, people called us tankies 20 years ago for opposing the invasion of Iraq, because “Saddam is a rabid dog”.
safegaurds and checks that our system did have
Uh… Assuming you’re from the west. The US was founded on slavery and genocide, and western Europe got to where it is through colonialism. What checks and safeguards did our countries ever have?
Damn SJWs supporting checks notes imperialism, bigotry and capitalism
You don’t need to use China for the superlative of bad work conditions when you’re talking about bad working conditions in the US.
Again, never had such thing as “accountable politicians” in the west, we’re founded on colonialism, slavery and genocide. We’ve never had these “balances and regulations” that you talk about, otherwise the people in charge for the invasion of Vietnam, Iraq, the bombing of Libya and of Yugoslavia, and an honestly endless list of atrocities carried out by the west, would have suffered consequences