So you’re that one guy that shows up out of nowhere and starts seeding when I’ve given up on a torrent. You’re doing God’s work.
All pronouns
So you’re that one guy that shows up out of nowhere and starts seeding when I’ve given up on a torrent. You’re doing God’s work.
It doesn’t have a proper dark theme in Windows so it let me down when it flashbanged me.
Yeah, in my experience private trackers are a bunch of petty tyrants with control issues. My experience is very limited as I’ve never been part of one on account of me telling them to fuck off.
How’s PCSX2 performance on the Deck? I somehow get much better performance on my Ryzen 5 4500U laptop than I do on my Ally and that makes absolutely no fucking sense.
He also says, Palestine supporters and Hamas supporters are, and I quote, one and the same.
First, it’s true. Secondly, it matters a lot because there’s no fool proof way to update through the CLI that takes into account all of the software delivery methods that exist today so you could do use dnf to upgrade daily and still have old flatpak or viceversa. That’s exactly why Fedora recommends updating through the GUI.
Fedora discourages updating through the CLI.
No legitimate complains allowed. Didn’t you hear that Linux is perfect and there’s absolutely nothing that needs improvement?
I’m rooting for you to get ahead in the bell curve.
Oh, I see. You’ll get there.
You mean Ubuntu at both ends?
Literally anything would be better than plugging your ears and going “lalalala” which is what you’re doing right now.
That’s not true. Again, they have had 2 good cards in the last 10 years.
They don’t have any powerful GPU. Stop it with the denial, brother.
Did you miss the part where I pointed out AMD said they were gonna stop trying with high end? We were barely out of it for 2 generations and now we’re right back into it.
Welp. That’s another lie. Until very recently, if you wanted performance over NVIDIA’s 60-tier on AMD, your only options were the Vega 56, 64 or the Radeon VII, which were all trash. It wasn’t until the 6000 series that AMD was able to come close to NVIDIA’s 80-tier and they’ve come out and said they’re not doing that anymore, so we have a grand total of TWO high end Radeon cards. Your assertion that AMD has covered every price point below $3000 is pure fantasy.
Well, that’s just not true. I’ve been using AMD exclusively for 10 years now and they haven’t had a proper competitor to NVIDIA’s high end in since then. I’m willing to settle for less performance to avoid a shitty company but some people aren’t. It can’t make “less and less sense” to go with NVIDIA if they’re the only ones making the product you want to buy. More importantly, though: it doesn’t matter. The point is that people wanting performance above a 4080 are screwed because NVIDIA shat the bed with the 5000 series and AMD just doesn’t exist at that price point so the comment I’m replying to makes no sense.
Yeah, they suck, but they at least exist, AMD flat out said they’re not even gonna try anymore.
—Hey, how do I do this?
—Well, you need to know how to do it and then do it