The 30% percent cut, stealing money from devs
This is a pretty spicy take. Let’s consider two possibilities:
Game devs choose to distribute independently, and sell their game for $20. They sell 100,000 copies and make $2 million in revenue, and keep the entire $2 million.
Game devs choose to distribute via Steam, promote it with a 50% off sale, it goes to the Steam front page, sells 500,000 copies at only $10 each, for a total $5 million in revenue. Steam takes $1.5 million and the devs take $3.5 million.
In scenario 2 the devs make 75% more than in scenario 1. Did Valve steal from the game devs?
“I can’t be the chosen one, I’m not anyone special, I’m just me, just regular ole plain boring me.”
Starts to use chosen one powers.
Onlooker: “He’s doing it… He’s starting to believe…”