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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • When you try to cut down on weed, you’re experiencing increased irritability due to withdrawal symptoms. Other symptoms of withdrawal include insomnia, anxiety, and headaches. If you want to get a handle on all this, I strongly recommend you try to stop the cannabis entirely. Try to stop for an entire month to get well past any withdrawal symptoms and see how you feel. You can always pick it up again later if you decide to, but you need to find yourself without it before you make that decision.

    Second, maybe consider finding a psychotherapist who specializes in dialectical behavior therapy. DBT will help you learn skills relating to emotional regulation, interpersonal effectiveness, and mindfulness (living in the present rather than rehashing the past), all of which are issues you describe having problems with.

    If you do DBT, you have to show up for it. You don’t roll your eyes, or say “this is stupid,” you do the work step by step until it’s done, and what you’ve learned and practiced by the end can help you change your life. Good luck to you and don’t hesitate to ask more questions