I don’t. Could barely afford my other electronics tools, broke uni student…
Luckily, the gift was for me from myself! Needed for my wip cyberdeck.
Assuming D&D lore, polymorph fixes that problem pretty easily. A polymorphed dragon could blend into society pretty well, and if you want, you could still get a ride into international waters (to avoid setting off national airspace warnings), fly down to some random jungle tribe, and be worshipped as a god. Plus nigh immortality (assuming aging only affects your polymorphed form and you continue to age at the rate of your dragon-self).
(If and only if you pay tax, rent, or both on that space, unless that space is jail because you couldn’t afford to rent a space and had to squat on someone elses pavement or in the government-owned forests without paying for a permit…)
“Police person” also implies that police are people…