Seconding/thirding/whatevering the Logitech G502. I have one and it’s one of the best mice I’ve ever owned and all the functions seem to work fine on Linux.
Seconding/thirding/whatevering the Logitech G502. I have one and it’s one of the best mice I’ve ever owned and all the functions seem to work fine on Linux.
You might try SDTV or Fullscreen (plus DVD or VHS since those were the last formats that typically offered that aspect ratio regularly) as tags/search terms. I am otherwise unaware of any specific automated search options for 4:3 content. :/
Obviously it would take some work, but you could set up an automated set of scripts that would crop the videos and spit them out as 4:3.
Is there no option within the vr application itself to auto zoom and crop videos to fit the TV?
Since I see no replies yet, I’ll give a sort of answer. I use Overseerr and my own self hosted domain name with Cloudns so that I can let my friends/family connect to it remotely to request stuff.
It sounds like it’s definitely not 1:1 with what you’re asking for since it only does sonarr and radarr and is not something accessible from messengers, but figured I’d mention it because it’s been great for me. I use it for myself to add new stuff as well so I never have to go into the individual sonarr/radarr instances to add stuff.
Unfortunately not in my setup, but that’s just because I don’t have the money to upgrade it at the moment and nearly everything I have is stuff I can easily redownload.
Once I can save up for it I will up my storage and get some back ups set up.
As far as move sets go, you could always base them on things about the animal for animal based mascots. Like an ice slide for Tux, a charge for the GNU mascot, a long distance tongue grab for the KDE mascot, etc.
Also, as far as characters go, you could always include any public domain characters, like Frankenstein’s Monster, Dracula, Steamboat Willie, Winnie the Pooh, etc.
Like others in here, I also set mine up with Debian and docker compose. Since it’s an always on server I wanted maximum stability. I don’t use unRAID, so not sure about compatibility for that.
Oh, really? Mine does not have any lights at all.