This a shitpost in a humor community, so I’m probably over thinking it… But from the very first time I saw that text, it felt a bit like a heterosexual man joking that his dick would fix a lesbian. Not a huge fan. This version with an anime background somehow makes it worse.
That’s surprising. But this feels like a nice way to frame it, if so:
… they are no longer identifying as the gender they were assigned at birth. That makes them trans …
The other commenter mentioned this might be casting too wide a net, and I lean towards the “abolish gender” team, myself, so I’d be curious to hear what others think about it, especially MtF, FtM and similar(?) people.
Sorry for responding to your serious comment with such a dumb thing, but shouldn’t it be queerphobic or something else? I thought transphobia pertained to cases involving trans folk.
Could ask a search engine, but sometimes communities like this have a more nuanced answer.
You feel the curling of the monkey’s paw; the entire app is now in ~/.local/AppName
A spiral, going downwards with no bottom in sight.
You could point out typos and mistakes without being condescending.
You could say Bluesky is… picking up Steam, eh?
Sorry, I have no new or interesting insights to offer, I’d hope most already get what’s happening, anyway.