Can’t yt-dlp download high bitrate videos? I think I saw this option in the list of formats.
“Just Google it,” they said. So, you Google it. You find one result. It’s a forum post. From you.
no-ip requires manually prolongue domain once a month on free plan. Duckdns doesn’t.
Some time ago, I tried Ubuntu for the first time. I was shocked that the preinstalled Firefox (snap package) took 10 seconds to launch, compared to 1-2 seconds on Windows.
My RPi4 refused to start with a 2x2.5" hard drive, so I did some workarounds. I connected the USB 3.0 +5V pin to the GPIO and powered the RPi using a PD trigger with MINI 560 (5A DC-DC converter). In my case, a random 18W QC brick was enough.
Maybe try Alpine?
I set the notifications to vibrate and set a ringtone for all calls. I don’t think you should respond to messages immediately.