Literally the only defining characteristic is how much energy you have after socializing. The rest of this is total bs. I love being social if I’m in the mood, but I’m still an introvert because it wears me out.
Literally the only defining characteristic is how much energy you have after socializing. The rest of this is total bs. I love being social if I’m in the mood, but I’m still an introvert because it wears me out.
Oh well then I’m doing great! In a manner of speaking.
I know I should go to therapy but then I feel bad burdening a therapist with things like, “I’m so angry that the only thing that helps me sleep is imagining the entire current administration getting hit by a very localized meteor,” because like, this shit is too big and we all have our coping mechanisms, right? At least mine isn’t substance abuse or self harm.
Obviously some are basically fine but most are in “No I will not hear you out, actually” territory for me.
A jacked dude in a costume, too. Definitely not the weirdest hear me out I’ve ever seen. I saw a lesbian list the other day that was legitimately terrifying.
I was partial to, “Hey, fucko.”
That’s the best part - they’re all bad! I’m lucky I usually stick to government and most use governmentjobs.com, which isn’t perfect but it’s miles better. But when I’ve been looking for a second job or trying to see what’s available in the private sector, I have yet to find a site that isn’t trash.
Indeed has been trash for years, so that tracks. That’s why I’ve only ever used it to figure out who (maybe) has jobs open and then apply directly - they have so much bad information.
Is this a 3rd party site? Every barista job on Starbucks’ actual site says no experience or education required, so I’m pretty sure what’s more infuriating is how god awful pretty much every job site has become.
A few years back, I found my old ThinkPad that I bought used in about 2000 and it still worked, homemade Hayden Christensen background and all. I was so upset by evidence of 16 year old me being horny for Anakin that I almost threw it against the wall, but it probably still would’ve worked.
I struggle with being social because I’m usually so worn out by work, but my friends are honestly the best - they know I have a couple of hours in me, and they don’t mind at all if I kind of wander off to read or lay down for 20 minutes to recharge. Sometimes they want to do the same thing, sometimes they keep doing whatever we’re doing until I get back.