Every fake-historian complaining about unrealistic boob armor in fantasy games needs to look up historical codpieces.
Armor was a status symbol and includes sexualized designs to demonstrate the girth of your penis prowess. If females were in a historical armor setting, I bet you boob armor would have become at least as big a thing as codpieces were.
I mean, the ancient Greeks painted abs and male nipples in their armor, lol. Gotta be sexy while fighting a war, at least if you are in the back just commanding people. It’s not like these Kings or Generals really saw someone swing a sword at them or needed actually functional armor. It’s just shiny metal proving you had more money than the other soldiers in many cases.
Every fake-historian complaining about unrealistic boob armor in fantasy games needs to look up historical codpieces.
Armor was a status symbol and includes sexualized designs to demonstrate the girth of your
penisprowess. If females were in a historical armor setting, I bet you boob armor would have become at least as big a thing as codpieces were.I mean, the ancient Greeks painted abs and male nipples in their armor, lol. Gotta be sexy while fighting a war, at least if you are in the back just commanding people. It’s not like these Kings or Generals really saw someone swing a sword at them or needed actually functional armor. It’s just shiny metal proving you had more money than the other soldiers in many cases.