Ohh! Ok that makes more sense. For some reason i was imagining an outdoor dryer vent. Thank you
Ohh! Ok that makes more sense. For some reason i was imagining an outdoor dryer vent. Thank you
Wait what
I just cleaned the filter last week (rental) and it looked like it hadn’t been cleaned for centuries
You’re saying there’s another thing in there that’s just as dirty that I didn’t clean??
It’s been fun. I’ve had it for a few months and I love it. Currently trying to figure out why my PDFs get corrupted and how to fix it - I’m pretty sure it has to do with signatures but not completely sure. The other thing is that I was having trouble figuring out how to hibernate my computer, so it was sleeping all the time (except when off or in use), but then one day it just started hibernating. Not sure how that happened.
I chose Fedora with the KDE desktop and it’s great. I’m not entirely sure I understand the differences in the desktop choices but it works for me for now.
I’m trying to get my partner to switch but they’re worried about it not being compatible with/not being able to find suitable replacements for certain Windows software used for work. So basically I just need to get better with Linux before they switch lol
I can’t tell you how frustrating it is to not only be subjected to Fox
EntertainmentNews by my family, but to be subjected to their social media segments every 5 minutes (not exaggerating).It feels like when I find those ancient newspaper articles about how so-and-so moved in with her boyfriend before their wedding night or whatever.
Some things never change I guess.