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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Less than a hundred years? That may seem like a small time compared to the thousands of years that have passed in the meantime. But we are talking about human beings, who at that time didn’t live more than 60 years. Imagine writing something that happened a lifetime ago and have people take it for fact.

    Josephus wrote about Jesus about 60 years after the death of Jesus. And his works have been transcribed by Christians hundreds of years later, so it isn’t clear what was original and what wasn’t. The Christians most certainly made errors, embellishments and changes to the story. So even if there is a kernel of truth there, it’s impossible to know what was real now and most experts agree it’s fiction.

    Tacitus wrote about Jesus about 80 years after the death of Jesus. Most experts think Tacitus wrote about Christians and what they believe, not as a description of what actually happened.

  • Did some carpenter dude called Jesus exist? Sure, I once had a dude called Jesus install some cabinets at my home. Did the religious character described in (among other works of fiction) the Bible exist? No he did not, or at least he existed as much as other historical fiction characters.

    It’s very hard if not impossible to figure out if stuff written down thousands of years ago was fact or fiction. Even persons that seem to be reliable sources from that time have had works of fiction or embellishments mixed in. Almost all we know about thousands of years ago is because people wrote shit down and the amount that actually survived is very little.

    The sources you claim are from well past the time Jesus was alive, so it’s questionable how reliable sources they are. I also would not trust anything written down by cult followers about the cult leader, this is basic common sense.

    And if you’re going to link Wikipedia, you can at least read the article instead of just the blerb.


  • Yeah this game is really annoying to play, which is a shame because it is cute as hell. It continually prompts you to do the thing. It’s like playing Mario and having someone tell you to walk right and jump all through the game. What makes it much worse is that the game fully comes to a stop to do so. Everything just pauses and the game explains what to do. Even when there is a puzzle, the game basically gives you the answer.

    The approach Astro Bot uses is much better. It let’s you struggle for a bit and then gives an animation with the move you need and which button it is. Which is really handy because even if you know what move you want it’s easy to forget the right button combination for it. It’s very non intrusive and if you know the move the animation won’t even pop up. An experienced player won’t notice the mechanic at all. If you come back from not playing for a bit, the reminder about the buttons is useful. For kids who genuinely get stuck, the help prevents them from giving up.

    Gamez that were infuriating with these kinds of mechanics were the new God of War games. At every fucking puzzle when you take 10 secs just to get oriented and look at what you need to do, some NPC (usually Boi of War) just tells you the answer. There is no way to turn this off and it made me turn off the game multiple times. If you want to put puzzles in the game, put puzzles in your game and let me figure it out. If you are going to give the answer, why are there puzzles to begin with? It doesn’t help Atreus is one of the worse characters ever written especially in the last game.