I know. The scene triggers once you fail the quest, which is once you lift the shadow curse. You haven’t gotten the scene because you haven’t failed the quest. Be patient.
I know. The scene triggers once you fail the quest, which is once you lift the shadow curse. You haven’t gotten the scene because you haven’t failed the quest. Be patient.
It’s not long-rest timed. You can still kill Isobel at any point while the shadow curse remains, so until you lift the curse, you haven’t failed the quest.
It very much puts me in the mind of Evan Kelmp from Dimension 20. “Do you want me to get you a drink? There’s no pressure. I’m not going to drink alcohol because I… Value self control for reasons that you’re both… Intimately familiar with.”
My bestie played a Durge run first and warned me not to try it because of how dark and edgy it is, especially since I like wholesome stuff. Turns out it’s incredibly wholesome if you don’t play it the way she did. I love my sweet little sad boi.
This raises the question: is it your moderation that people like? Or do people only like it as much because of the extra layer of moderation you dislike?
They mentioned the Gith patrol, so I’m assuming at this point they’ve done the Risen Road. The mountain pass is beyond that, so it’s around Rosymorn.
The underdark and the mountain pass both count as act 1. There is a LOT of content there.
There’s also all the Risen road stuff, and the village basements…
Gale is neither plain nor exotic. He’s an arse. His flavour is arse because he is one.
I don’t remember vanilla tasting like arse.
This image makes me feel normal and nobody can prove otherwise.