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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 14th, 2023


  • I can’t deny that Steam has a large marketshare over the digital video game distribution market, and that it could abuse its position, and that the 30% distributor cut is steep. All true. Is it currently abusing its position? Arguably yes and no.

    Looking through the evidence document provided in the video, the alleged link between decreased % of multihoming indicating the enforcement of a PMFN is weak IMO. Steam’s support for Linux, its own Steam Deck, good customer service, return policy, family sharing and remote play are major reasons to be a Valve patron, not always about price.

    The evidence at 9:05 in the video that suggests Valve says they “stop selling them altogether” was in response to a Steam Key inquiry. The other quotes were related to removing it from the front page and sales feature pages (not delisting but not there unless you search for it). That’s not delisting but perhaps it is anti-competitively deranking it. I’m not sure what the rules are though, like a grocery store doesn’t have to put a product at the front of a store when a rival has a steeper sale for it, but they could ask for the same discount while offering to make it similarly visible. Overall it’s not nearly as serious as OOP makes it seem.

  • Well, as you may be aware, banks like getting money.

    Taking money from their customers through banking fees and interest on both deposits and loans isn’t enough for the banks and credit card issuers. So they sell credit card and loan usage information to whoever will pay for it, and these credit monitoring companies will, to keep a file on you (tied to your SSN/SIN). They know how many loan accounts and how long you’ve had them for, how often you pay your loan bill on time vs. not, what % of your credit limit you tend to use each month, and when you go shopping for new loans (since loan agencies will request your file from them to determine whether you are trustworthy enough).

  • That’s my fault for not reading the community name. I don’t have any guarantees, only probabilities based on what you think your chances may be, and only one step at a time, i.e. Application to an interview, interview to a job etc., but there are so many factors in the real world that ultimately it’s still a guess. I know it feels like an endless uphill battle. I know it’s demoralizing and depressing as fuck. I’ll try to edit my answer, see if I can be more helpful.

  • [My fault for not reading the community name closely]

    edit: each person needs different advice. From your situation you could use career counseling, which most cities have some form of free programs. If you feel compelled to self harm or punish yourself seek medical help or at least someone you can trust and be around. It’s not and it’s never too late, call 988 or your local crisis hotline if you feel on the brink. If you need to take a break, take a break. Having someone in your corner can help you keep going, take things one day at a time, conscious replace negative thoughts with positive ones even if you don’t believe it yet. Lots of strategies are out there, one or some combination thereof should work for you. Good luck and I know you can do it.

    Original answer: Don’t give up! Unlike gambling, this is something that you never lose until you give up. Just know that it’s generally not because of your poor skills why you aren’t getting the jobs that you’re interviewed for. Sure, sometimes it’s because someone else’s skills are better than yours but often it’s just luck, some stupidity on their end (they just “forget” to hire someone for several month) or a myriad of other reasons, most of which are not your fault.

    Just assign a percentage to how likely you will move on from an interview stage… pretend it’s 10% for example. If you did 10 interviews, then there is only a 34% probability that all 10 would reject you. I.e. the more you try the higher your chances.