They’re going to lift your bank and house info oh noooo
Checks and balances, regulation and with a united constituency you would have more accountable politicians. Instead we got the left and right doing the splits so hard we got the rich lefties hopping ship to the right
An idea with merits but again corruptable. Profits still exist but they go back to the cooperativee? The co-op would have to be uncorruptable or it would end up just like a corporation
So you’ve got a Democratic party that speaks for the feminists and votes for the Fortune 500
Now theres a fuckin headline
yet support imperalism, genocide, apartheid, capitalism, bigotry
Yeah as a liberal I resent this. Im against all of these things except that I believe that the world is capitalist and would probably not be really any different even with a sudden communist takeover. Power corrupts any system just like it always has so you need safegaurds and checks that our system did have until everyone decided to throw out baby with the bath water
There are ideas i like that are communist(social programs, centralized production, not a huge fan of not owning my own stuff, but i dont think businesses should really own land), but i believe there is a lot of resistance to it and a slow burn towards utopia is a more fruitful endeavor.
Yeah why this mf spitting at my boy Tardi G.? Fuck outta here
Dad was a beta son was a cuck. This is how they led a nation
Holy shit that’s a lot of chicken
Edit: if he’s getting a 10 dollar meal that’s 200 orders of chicken. A 31 day month with 3 meals has 93 meals meaning over double what a person typically eats. If you get a 18 piece bucket looks like the price might be between 62 and 100 bucks. Let’s say 62 for fun that’s approximately 32.25 buckets or 516 pieces of chicken a month. I mean I like chicken but damn not that much
Harambe is a time traveling alien sent back in time to stop the assassination of jfk but the lizard people stopped him first and imprisoned him in that zoo. You do the math
Tranny > tyranny
You can’t really amputate capitalism at this point. Its just not possible short of a really long and bloody war or somehow convincing conservatives it was their idea. You can try to change it from within and eat the rich but it’s core tenants are not going away.
Capital must be secondary to people, always and forever.
This I agree with. It’s a tragedy that it even has to be said
Most lefties on here are complaining about laissez-fair liberals(economic, let the free market do its thing. Neoliberals), which are more closely related to libertarians IMO.
Most people who identify themselves as liberals are simply pro civil rights and freedoms(the economy does it thing as long as it stays the fuck out of civil rights and doesn’t oppressthe lower/middle class. Pro regulation. Monopolies and insider trading are bad). Closely related to social democrats and the labor party
Liberals are not an economic ideal