To each there own I guess :)
To each there own I guess :)
Agreed, and it still holds up as the best space Sim game ever in my opinion. The reason it wins that award for me is because it’s fighting/flying style felt really interesting and dynamic. We’re as every other space Sim I played did not capture that as well. That being said, I do enjoy alot of aspects of other space Sim games, so I’m not her to say they are bad. Just that freelancer is the best as a whole package. Only really negative to the game is that Microsoft owns it and because of that the only long term progression of the game is fan made.
Fair warning it is a bit old, so it may not run well on newer os, but there are fan made patches to help with that.
Very good point, “best space sim” is somewhat subjective, as some people consider the best one to be the most accurate physics wise. We’re as I considered freelancer to be the best based of my enjoyment of the experience.
Play freelancer, and see if that statement still holds true to you.
Mmhhmm, factorio team is top tier. Excited to see what they make next.
Considering you enjoyed these games, take a peak at factorio. It’s good stuff.
Factorio: 5,000
10/10 best game on steam by far.
O! The pain! Cractorio for life!
Factorio 5k+ atm
Unless we count pokemon, played that to death when I was younger, would be willing to say I have “young person time” amount of hours in the Gameboy versions.
Yea the flat thing I can agree with. Guessing they decided on that to streamline world building. Everything else I still disagree on, primarily because they are games, not Sims, so when I say space Sim game I mean the general direction of the game. If we want to get all technical, then the x games and elit don’t even come close to star citizen. And you will never hear me say star citizen is my favorite space Sim game.