Money & subreddit & along with the staff & content (it’s literally copy paste)
A wanderer trying to explore the FediVerse
Money & subreddit & along with the staff & content (it’s literally copy paste)
What ads & what scam ? Disroot ? Picocrypt ?
PG’s Jonah Aragon steal PT’s creator’s funds & his subreddit & censors anyone who mentions it They shill for apple & attack other more reputable privacy youtubers But I guess PT is bad, because you said so😂
Until it happens to them
You are one of those exceptional ones
Typical jealous man falsely accusing a dead man because he can’t defend himself
Now shoo shoo criminal
Whatever happened to presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt
Guys we got em
Honestly all that noise was coming from Americans anyway, not a big deal They’re drama-queens. Never take Americans seriously on politics & economy (& also healthcare)
Not a good reason, techlore fanboy The website is pretty decent & clean & they have a better licencing
You drank the TechLore kool-aid Mistef
NordVPN is pretty good actually, compared to IVPN You can look up Tom Sparks’s VPN reviews
The guy has integrity
Suuuuuure cuz You said so, The foundations of PG were built on a lie & PT still has the updated info
Vs PG being actual thieves & liars ? Ok
It is when the guy was swatted
Louis Rossman has bad understanding of FOSS remember
How is this poor judgement ? You are arguing in bad-faith
Taking a neutral stance is also political;<br> Also when people say that “they don’t like politics in X,Y&Z” they mean politics that they don’t agree with
Boy I guess PT is not allowed to make money to fund their website It’s way better than leaching from PT & TechLore fans
You do know that PT cleary mentions who sponsors them (& PG stole funds & people from PT)<br> Honestly every single TechLore personnel are pretty much liars & thieves & shills(that Aragon guy was the one who stole money)
PrivacyTools has the better more updated content, are you against PT making money ?<br> It’s way better than PG stealing funds from PT
Except PrivacyGuides literally steals (including money) from PrivacyTools & PrivacyTools have made it clear to mark something as promotional
All he had to do was keep his mouth shut & show his support on another account