Just mild correction, the Dreamcast came with the dialup modem. So while it wasnt as good, it had functional internet for 99 out of the box
Some of my steam games dont run, and theres some files I cant run in Davinci Resolve. So probably just those
For some reason I assumed you were one of the genderfluid types, and was confused why you were so eager to claim a difference. Im one of those with said horrific medical condition. When I referred to iconography and community; I meant the trans community, flag, ect.
Arent you basically admitting “genderfluid” folks and those with sex dysohoria (for lack of better term) are not the same thing? Because if thats the case, why do you need to claim our community and iconography?
If you had told me ten years ago that one day “°I will report you to doge” would be a valid sentence and a real threat, I wouldve died
Congrats. I made the switch to Ubuntu in 2016, you are spoiled these days with Proton. I want to concur with the advice to learn the terminal. You dont need it yet, but you will eventually. It’d be wise to do some research on your package manager too. You’re on Mint, so it should be apt.
Also, word of advice for future OS swapping if you- say- wanna try a new distro someday. Find yourself an external drive for your files like music and documents. Its better to not need to rebuild your library in the first place if you can, and its safelyoff the OS drive if something goes wrong. I got a cheap Mybook backup drive, 4TB for 90 bucks, and formatted it.