That worked perfectly! Thanks!
Music, games, foss, reading, biking & more
That worked perfectly! Thanks!
I use sway so keybinds are
bindsym $mod+p exec grim
^ super simple version of my my grim keybind. I tie it with slurp. Either way, i’ll give it a shot!
To be safe itnsounds like younhave to register to vote every year.
Just donit when its the “spring forward” part of daylight savings.
Or everytime you’re stopped outside a grocery store by the person with the clipboard.
i just tried it in sway and it works!
but now the whole section in waybar is upsizing & downsizing with the music. * shrug emoji
i just tried it in plasma and it works fine. i use waybar with sway on the same computer. so maybe its a sway problem?
so, funnily enough, the icons stayed the same size when i increased the bar height.
Thats why my home is booby trapped home alone style. I dont have to kill, just embarrass…
Id die before they take away my katamari fix.
well, i love this. claps
Bonus: Cannon T7 with 24mm EF-S f/ 2.8 (when I’m feeling artsy)
That’s it i think.
Mockery is the sincerest form of insult. I hope this meme lasts forever.
If you wanna put the work into an rss feed, netnewswire is great.