They have game-interrupting full screen ads? Our just product placement. Because only the former is banned
They have game-interrupting full screen ads? Our just product placement. Because only the former is banned
The movie is in production right now. Allison Brie posted about rewatching the series to prepare
There’s several shows where it was important to production that they had those as they would have been cancelled without it. Community and Chuck were both basically saved by Subway.
Those aren’t ads…
There’s plenty of proof of stake tokens that do not waste all that electricity that mining does
Mostly because it would be a full sentence unlike whatever we got in the OP
And various local billionaires
The answer to that is very little of it. Their networth is due to their ownership of these stocks. If the value of these stocks dip more than others (and due to the AI craze, they are more inflated than even other tech stocks), they lose collateral to borrow against (this is how musk bought Twitter).
Computers have a life span. Every year, there’s a whole swath of people getting their first one - often for school, which is already prohibitively expensive
There are chips in nearly every single appliance you own at this point. From your car to your toaster.
Hitting the tech sector harder than everything else will remove their ability to leverage their own tech businesses to buy up others.
Which is insane because it was all over the news just a couple years ago about why vehicle prices had gotten so high… Because of a chip shortage.
You think the 3 richest men in the world hanging into his coattails at all times will let him wreck all their businesses in one fell swoop?
Everything he’s done thus far has been at the behest of someone else.
Is this accessible outside your own home network, or is it restricted to local?
I dunno, I remember way back in StarCraft the original, everyone upon entering a game would immediately change their setting sto Very High Latency…because who the fuck knows why.
Republicans like to complain about perjury traps, but that was an actual perjury trap. Starr was playing word games the whole time. People focus on Continue answers being ridiculous, but those are the kinds of things you have to say to combat the absurd questions he was being asked. Bill is still a piece of shit, but this whole thing was political theatre.
Explain how.
Because training an AI is similar to training a person. You give it a bunch of examples to learn the rules from, then it applies what it learned to the prompt it is asked. The training data is not included in the end result.
It’s almost always old people with their sound on, ime
“Still” is burying the lede. It’s gotten worse.