Today i decided to take it easy now that my Week is starting to lay off. I decided to Celebrate both 150 days and All my Finals finishing up, by playing a game important to me. I ended up playing Super Mario 64.

I have very fond memories of playing this on the Wii with the virtual console. The lagoon specifically seen in this image used to terrify me. When i was younger i guess i didn’t understand where the water ended so it looked like a endless plane of water. I was terrified something was out there in the water. Swimming in it was a scar experience. I also have really vivid memories of the Grate nearby purely because i spent so much time here:

Another fond Memory of this game i have is King Bombomb. Something about his boss fight is so memorable to me. I don’t know if it’s because it’s simple but fun, or just that i’ve played it so many times. I wouldn’t mind if he came back in a new Mario game though like with Whomp’s Fortress in Galaxy 2

If you notice the icons on the bottom left, that’s emuchievments from decky. I wanted to try and get an achievement with it, so i did one where i have to walk to the top of the mountain. I ended up clipping it because something about it stood out to me. I think it’s surreal to see mario walking around when usually he’s jumping.

I only ended up doing Bombomb battlefield, but i cleared all Stars Except the 100 coin one

    3 months ago

    Atticus, I highly recommend getting the PC port of this game. Choose the Render96 option, and relive what the game probably looked like to all those kids back in the day. It also has some extra neat things like bringing in some of the move set of Odyssey, a mode that allows you to collect all the stars in the level in one go, and much much more. :)