Umm, no, IPTV is NOT a crime. It’s a protocol. An IPTV provider may be committing copyright infringement IF they’re sourcing materials without permission from copyright holders. That’s NOT the same thing as a protocol being illegal. The argument an application is illegal would be better reserved to applications connected to services and/or companies like Napster or LimeWire, but even in those cases it was NOT illegal for FrostWire (a fork of LimeWire) to be distributed even after the court found the LimeWire entity to be violating the law. The criminality was something along the logic that they advertised content early on that that they knew or should have known was not legally available through the system (assuming I’m thinking of the right case here). Napster was centrally controlled, LimeWire was not. LimeWire had an interesting bootstraping protocol that didn’t rely on a central server (from what I recall) which is also why FrostWire (and possibly other clients) continued working after the LimeWire entity shut down.

    3 months ago

    TV in general is a crime, IMO, as it somehow manages to still maintain the lower content/ad ratio compared to youtube, and this bar is kinda low nowadays.