This community is housed on an instance run by two trans women, focused on the needs of the queer and gender diverse community.
We allowed 196 here because we were promised the community is queer and trans inclusive.
If you’re here it’s because you’re aggressively supportive of trans folk. Not middle of the ground, not “just asking questions”.
If your response to that is, “yes, but…” then this isn’t the instance for you, and by extension, this isn’t the community for you.
tl;dr - Unambiguous support and inclusion, or fuck off somewhere else.
Edit - I changed the phrase "aggressive support to “unambiguous support”, as there was some confusion over the intent behind my previous phrasing.
Aggressive support given!
Every single transphobe right now:
Literally right below this.
Trans women are women. Girldick is best dick.
Know that you are loved. ^And also sexually objectified. Sorry bout that… ^
-Sincerely a cis lesbian.
Can you explain the girldick thing? I’m a transman and that comes off as one of the many things that are low key alienating in expressions of support, but it’s possible I’m just mistaken.
The original reference (which triggered the OP to post) is a cis man saying he wouldn’t sleep with a pre op trans woman.
He said something along the lines that girldick is disgusting, I’m saying it’s hot.
If that’s problematic I can delete (not sure how that works on lemmy though). I would rather hear it from a trans woman though. If you want to discuss, go for it.
I’m not the person you were seeking clarification from but I took her comment to mean that she is a cis woman that’s sexually attracted to women, but also enjoys P.I.V. sex. Therfore she would be happy to discover that a woman she is attracted to has a penis.
That’s just my interpretation though.
How far removed from the instigating post is that? It doesn’t seem all that different if we’re immediately diving into fuckables and unfuckables.
I think you’re saying I didn’t help you understand her position, fair enough.
I mean this post is a place to voice support for the trans community and she said she likes having lesbian sex with trans women. I don’t think the statement was meant to support trans men, just trans women. Trans women tend to be the focus of a lot of the conversation. I think trans men and trans women have different experiences with transphobia and need different supports. If you’d like to talk about your feelings I’d be interested to learn.
But also, she’s a lesbian so again it’s not too surprising that she would center women in her comment.
I’m a cis het man that wants to support you. It occurs to me that the less time men spend thinking and talking about lesbian sex, the better adjusted they are. So I’m going to excuse myself from this conversation. Good luck out there man. I’m pulling for ya.
Trans people are regular, real people. Like my college friend. Or my wife’s HS friend. Or that one kind soul I worked with once.
I’m so god damn sick of all the hatred and lies and bullshit and murder and sadistic laws against trans people.
I loudly applaud any space that actively supports trans people and gives them a place free from hatred and assholes.
The fact that they need a space away from everyone else, and the fact that this post even had to be made, is a testament to mankind’s inhumanity to man. People are people, but there’s an unsettling amount of people that can’t see past creed, color, sexuality, and so on.
I’d say it’s a monument to our own hubris as well. We’re the most advanced civilization that we know exists, but still can’t seem to treat members of our own society right.
This is what the fediverse was created for. Casual transphobia doesn’t need to be permitted and I fully support that.
Not from this instance and not a contributor to this community, but just wanna say great job.
Protecting the ideals of your instance is definitely a worthy goal, and I definitely include trans people in the category of people who get shit on undeservedly from on high and deserve way better.
Remember; not supporting trans rights means you’re on the same side as those using laws and judges to strip women of their autonomy around the world. <3
Which is why it’s important to give no quarter to fascism and theocracy no matter where you live.
Proud to carry my Satanic Temple card right next to my goddamn union membership book.
Can you see my reply? I’m on and I thought it was still defederated from Beehaw so I shouldn’t be able to see your comment O_o(I’m used to being more active on my beehaw account so using my account threw me off, disregard this lol)P.S. Yay trans rights and having a pro-trans meme space 😄
Being defederated just means you can’t see new posts on beehaw communities and they can’t see your communities at all. If your instance and beehaw are both federated with a third instance, like the one this community is on, then you’ll still be able to see comments by beehaw users on that instance.
Trans people are cool. Love em. Full human rights for everyone, end discrimination. This post, though, is obnoxious though.
Sending edicts out to the public is never the play. Use your sidebar. Moderate stuff. Make it cool to not be a bigot. But the second you start doing goofy shit like this, you’re painting a target on your back and coming across way more fragile than you must actually be.
I personally have a policy about blocking any community that has admins who feel it necessary to try to police people’s thoughts. As much as bigots piss me off, this isn’t how people conduct themselves in a place that purports to be a safe haven. You don’t patronize and denigrate the general public out of frustration, unless you want them as an enemy for some reason. The idea you needed you adjust your terminology in retrospect confirms how poorly you wrote your initial message.
Also, I have to say, “We allowed 196 to be here” is a curious statement. What exactly did you allow? Is opening a community a big endeavor? I’ve opened up a bunch, and never have I felt like I was owed someone for doing it.
Ban bad behavior. Don’t try to tell people how to think. We have a word for the latter and it’s not pretty.
They’re not telling anyone “how to think”. They’re telling transphobes and “trans sceptics” to fuck off. And who cares if they do it with a pinned post rather than a sidebar announcement? Some apps hide the sidebar in a menu.
Also when you say you opened a bunch of communities, do you mean you hosted them? Because those two women are literally running the server this instance is running on. Doesn’t sound all that easy to me.