I live in Colorado, and one day I stepped on the scale and noticed that I hit a milestone, did the math and realized that per my BMI I just hit the obese line (check yours, it’s probably lower than you think).
I decided that I was not going to be the guy fucking up this map for my fellow Coloradans, so I started eating more vegetables, fewer carbs, and fewer calories overall, and lost 25 pounds.
I live in Colorado, and one day I stepped on the scale and noticed that I hit a milestone, did the math and realized that per my BMI I just hit the obese line (check yours, it’s probably lower than you think).
I decided that I was not going to be the guy fucking up this map for my fellow Coloradans, so I started eating more vegetables, fewer carbs, and fewer calories overall, and lost 25 pounds.
So, I’d say peer pressure helps.
Get out and go for a hike. That will help immensely.