She was correct. There are some billionaires that have different mental health issues, but not those.
I’m sorry but you seem to be mistaken.
Billionaires are a different species and we don’t have enough research data to refer to in order to determine what mental illnesses, if any, they might have.
Don’t lump them in with the rest of humanity because they aren’t even people anymore. They are inhuman scum that has mistakenly evolved. A fucking virus. We went out of our way to eradicate smallpox but unfortunately we haven’t successfully purged Billionarisim from humanity. Whether that’s through legislation or extreme violence, I don’t care. They need to be removed from society.
Yes. Is there some reason you’re just saying the word billionaires?
I believe the joke is that you come off as rabid in your original comment. I’m not trying to judge you, but it was the vibe I was getting.
Billionaires are meddling in elections, exploiting people, depriving them of rights, humiliating them and forcing people into servitude. But being angry at them means that I’m rabid?
They are the lowest of the low. They are the scum you scrape off of the sidewalk. The human grime that’s left inside of a toilet bowl that hasn’t been cleaned in long enough. There is no amount of vitriol, hatred, or venom one can spew at them that can make you rabid or a bad person. They are a get out of jail free card for spiteful and hateful feelings. You are not a bad person if you feel them against billionaires because they are not people. They deserve no protection and get none. When they have decided to fuck over everyone in a trillion mile vicinity for the sake of their own wallets and egos they have forgone absolutely any protections that they are given under simple human rights.
I am simply saying that the paradox of tolerance does not end when it comes to fascism and nazis. They do not deserve to be tolerated as they have broken the contract. So have billionaires. When you exploit everyone, you do not get to be protected from exploitation. When you drive violent rhetoric towards people with the billions you have, you no longer get protection from rhetoric. When you encourage violence, division, hatred and then actively carry it out in every way possible? You do not get to be protected from it being thrown against you. There are no moral or ethical billionaries. Partially because they are oil and water but also because they are not human. They are not to be tolerated. They are to be eradicated.
You call me rabid but I don’t call scientists working to eradicate a disease rabid for being furious at said disease for destroying humanity. I’m no more rabid. Billionaires are not people.
Oof. Looks like the rabies have already taken hold.
Billionaires are parasites of society, not respecting the social contract and outright have zero empathy, only forcing their way for whatever they want at whatever the cost.
You probably would think likewise if you just imagined how much good can be done with just a fraction of a billion and then seeing thousands upon thousands of them, not helping but just trying to rake in more and more.
“why male models” vibe
technically the threshold for “different species” is “can’t reproduce with other species through normal biological means” so I think while it’s hard to argue that with other billionaires, Elon Musk is an interesting case since AFAIK all those kids with his genes were conceived through artificial insemination. you may be on to something; maybe we’re watching a divergence in action.
She wouldn’t admit it anyway
My first thought too. “She’s lying”.
The doctor gave you or insurance a $300 bill for the visit. Why would they be depressed?
Great clown Pagliacci is in town tonight. Go and see him. That should pick you up
“oh doc, liar liar pants on fire”
“Do you think about self harm?”
"Just the normal amount "
“The normal amount is zero.”
Anxiety is useful for survival.
I would imagine small spouts of depression would also help understand self worth and assist in overcoming obstacles.
not sure if usage I’ve never heard, or typo, or boneappletea for “bouts”
That’s a really nice example to use as a terminology.
Is there a name for this practice? Of taking an example of something and making it the name of the genre? I found one - “Eponymous Representation”, but it is not precise enough.
Think my brain just fabricated that use by mistake. Maybe a mix of spout as in a faucet, being a stream or leak, combined with what I assume my brain meant as a spurt as in short term. Short term leaky faucet of depression. < My brain is just falling apart
help understand self worth and assist in overcoming obstacles
So are we taking “deep though” and naming it depression nowadays?
No wonder everyone is being diagnosed and drugged for the disease of thoughtfulness.I assume you meant thought, if so, no.
Also, if it’s not deep though, then how is it helping us do the above stuff?
If I need to know which way east is, I can look at the sun, look at a compass, check Google maps, or ask a friend. Just because one tool can assist does not mean they are all the exact same tool.
So, you mean that depression, in itself, is helping you do that?
I find it hard to believe. Care to explain the mechanism for how that happens without the thought part?Oh trust me I don’t want people to be depressed. I just mean that depression is a low that leaves you feeling a variety of dark things that you wont forget anytime soon. So sometimes when you survive through a depression, on the opposite of that, if you have gotten out, it can enlighten some things that may not be obvious to yourself previously. Kind of like a “I’ve got this” sense of thought. I was able to crawl my way out of the pit of despair, and somehow you know, I’m okay. If I can do that, surely I can host this conference. Or whatever it is you need to convince yourself you need to do. It isn’t the best attitude I’m sure, but it’s like the whole “I’ve been through worse” thought process, which leaves you with the knowledge you can get through a simple task, which was what I called knowing self worth above. Maybe not the most apt description of self worth, but I’m no doctor.
During the old hunter gatherer days where resources are scarce, yes. However, we’re now in a world of abundance, but our lizard brain hadn’t coped with modernity.
I guess it’s time to convert that lizard brain into a human brain then :P
Maybe in the wild but not at my corporate job
If something at the job is causing anxiety, perhaps you need to have it.
If something other than something at the job, is causing anxiety, it’d probably be useful if it happened at a better time.That’s the baseline function of anxiety but it can get out of hand.
Anxiety that motivates you to accomplish a task then disappears after is good and healthy. I like this anxiety [after the fact]!
Anxiety that causes you to break down and freeze at the thought of the task is unhealthy. This may contribute to burnout but is generally an anxiety disorder.
I’ve had both. The latter is very real and difficult to handle as it can be self inducing. That you have to fight through the freeze and gaslight yourself, and the thought of that is impossible to handle.
You’re correct. Anxiety about failing a test motivates students to study. Anxiety about losing your job motivates employs to work hard. It’s not the best motivation, but it is important. If people had no anxiety about failing, they wouldn’t work as hard to succeed.
While I find it hard to relate to your examples, the basis of what I meant is the same.
It is important that you know when you need to change the status quo. And in the current society, it is pretty easy to fall in a non-optimal comfort zone, where you are destroying yourself by the day. And even though you know it, you might not want to take the risk of destabilising your situation.
Here, anxiety will help you take the leap and as long as you don’t make worse mistakes, you might find yourself in a better place.
Terminally online people do tho
Doc’s lying. We all do, some just don’t linger on them.
Yeah the important thing is a lot of people don’t have depression and/or anxiety regularly
He’s the one they call Dr. Gaslight He’s the one that makes ya feel uptight
Read that to the tune of doctor feelgood
As intended
The doctor likely has a private practice, so without the heinous pressure of working in a hospital and all the money that comes from being part of the medical industrial complex, its no wonder the doctor isn’t depressed.
LIES! SLANDER! How dare this person reply with a nuanced take!
Contrary what you may perceive on the internet, most people aren’t depressed, not just doctors with their private practices.
Well, they probably never bother to reflect on their own actions, nor the backdrop dumpster-fire we call society. That, with the rapidly approaching line-of-no-return heating of ocean water is enough to realize Humanity is a pox upon the Earth, and yet somehow we are supposed to reconcile these feelings and our very existence and desire for personal fulfillment in the face of overwhelming evidence that we are mostly powerless in the grand scheme of things.
So yeah, stupid people and narcissists are generally happier.
Noooo people can’t be happy! Unless they are stupid.
And dwelling on those things helps you… how?
I won’t pretend that it’s easy, but people can be in a decent state of mind while acknowledging these issues. That’s how most people live. You don’t need to be stupid or evil to be happier. Being stupid and/or narcissistic bring their own problems too, so that’s not necessarily a recipe for happiness.
The doctor was lying
If you don’t have some anxiety, I’m pretty sure you’re dead inside.
Anxiety is like anger, everyone experiences anger and statistics say the average person gets angry 6+ times a day, but for some people that’s killing them, and for others is manageable. Having anxiety, like when you’re playing a video game, isn’t the problem, it’s managing it, and reducing it, if you have a panic disorder, you’re getting high leaves of anxiety in situations you shouldn’t be having any anxiety.
Or filthy rich
Naw they just have different anxieties. Pretty sure Elon is a walking anxiety.
I have to say, it is indiscriminate, and part of the issue with generalised anxiety is the perception that it relates to specific stresses rather than your body’s uncontrolled response to them.
Wealthy people have better access to treatment.
I’m dead inside, when is the anxiety supposed to stop?
That’s your problem, you went dead inside because of the anxiety. You should have died inside first.
Jokes aside, I hope you are going to get better!
That doctor lied.
It may not be every person every second of every day, but it is way too common to pretend that “doesn’t everyone” isn’t accurate enough
You should change the people you come into contact with once in a while.
Feeling sad once in a while is common. Feeling depressed or anxious is not.
’ “Uncontrollable” feelings of anxiety or depression’ isn’t normal.
Everyone has had anxiety and/or been depressed before. It’s when it doesn’t go away shortly after feeling it that it is a real problem.