I have been really tempted to jump into VR for a little while now, I tried it when the quest first came out, the very first one but it was too blurry and made me dizzy. I’ve considered getting back into it again, but the thing that has made me really hesitant is I’ve heard that VR is not in the greatest place and that it’s really tough to find good VR games to play. For example, there’s Fallout and Skyrim VR but they’re not really in good shape, and it takes a lot of modding and tweaking to get them to actually work properly. But I’m curious what other people think. Do you think VR is in a good enough place to be able to play it and enjoy it long-term? Or is it some sort of short-term hype thing?

  • Björn Tantau@swg-empire.de
    4 months ago

    The only reason I’m not playing more VR is that it’s more involved than playing without. You have to make space to play. If you’re playing from PC (which I would recommend) you have to set that and the games up. And then it’s usually more fun to play standing for which I don’t always have the energy.

    My Quest 1 is not logged in to Meta so I only play free games from Sidequest or whatever free games I used to get from Meta. Plenty to play with that and PCVR.

    “Smaller” games like Moon Rider are usually more fun. At least in the long run. Full games like Alyx are few and far between. But ports of older games work well. I dare say that VR is the best way to play Doom 3.