My retirement fund that I just started was worth $15k in December of 2021. Then, May of 2022, our area was hit really hard. My retirement plan went down to $7k. Today, it’s worth $11k. I lost $4k on my retirement plan. It’s invested in total market funds, some tech, some big cap companies, and healthcare. But every sector has been ravaged by the stock market changes.

    3 months ago

    Invest in index funds. They are self- cleaning…IOW when a stock stops performing it is removed from the fund and replaced by a better performer.

    Use a brokerage that is low fee. Fees steal your money.

    Do NOT let someone manage your money that moves stocks around for fees.

    Use Dollar cost averaging . Even if the market is down, keep adding regularly. Which is tied to…

    Don’t time the market. You can’t win.

    Don’t touch it. Don’t touch your money. Don’t incur fees and capital gains taxes. You will lose. Leave it alone.

    I am up 8% average yearly over the lifetime of my fund including all the downturns, it has been stellar this year well over 12%. Is this a “get rich quick” way of doing things? Is it exciting? No. Not at all. But it works.

    Investing (NOT TRADING) is EasyHard, because it’s really easy to do, but really hard not to mess with and screw it up.

      3 months ago

      don’t touch it

      Don’t even look at it on a regular basis. Looking at it makes some people do self-defeating things like breaking your other great points