• overflowingmemory@links.hackliberty.org
    7 months ago

    Let me summarize the glory of the meme for people who do not get all the distributions references in textual form (and as a check if I get the references): The image shows the branding image of a bunch of operating systems and Linux distributions with memes … descriptions follow – left to right top to bottom:

    • Debian: Smiling old men with tea meme, since it is so standard 0815
    • Arch Linux: Overweight NPC meme in his room Anime collection in background
    • Ubuntu: Money Meme (because big Cooperation sponsors Ubuntu I guess?)
    • LFS (Linux from scratch a Distro where you build everything from scratch to learn how the linux system works): it has some Spongebob meme where Computer science P.h.ds get instructed by a wise snail who is an LFS user
    • Manjaro: guy who looks cool from the front but his ass is visible in a mirror behind him
    • Open-Suse: Chad-Meme (I guess the creator of the meme loved suse)
    • Linux-Mint: Weird guy who wants to be cool with a skateboard… I guess since Linux-mint is so easy to use??
    • gentoo linux and void linux: Stone age survivor in the woods with old tools (since you build everything from scratch with simple tools in these distros)
    • Garuda Linux: guy with flashy LED-strips built into his shoes and expensive gaming laptop trys to be cool with sunglasses
    • Pop-Os/Ubuntu: They are clones of each other, since they are all debian/ubuntu based
    • fedora: Psychopath American Psycho movie meme
    • Kali: Hacker with sunglasses on Laptop guy meme
    • Windows: Guy with a clone of himself behind him holding a gun. (viewing the Candy-Crush advertisement in the start-menu be like:)
    • Nixos, OpenBSD: Lonely guy sitting on a chair, staring into the void, he seems to be at peace.
    • Apple: Golden luxury toilet, 5 stars
    • Tux sits on a white Porsche racing car overtaking chromeOS sitting in a spongebob meme car, Apple with a cool Porsche red racing car behind.