Hello Everyone,

I have been cooking and will get back to many of you soon. Quesadillas, breakfast burritos, and some noodles have been a start of what my cooking repertoire has become. No longer is my food burnt or undercooked, as I’m being more conscious and feeling more nourished :)

The title of this post is meant to start a discussion with those of you who have freed yourself from all the proprietary software (or most, excluding devices assigned by your employer).

As corporations pervade nearly every aspect of our lives, I believe it would be a fun hobby to delve into FOSS with a group of you. We could discuss even ordering a RISC-V laptop/PC, driver creation, and how one designs a hobby board. The resulting computer will likely be leagues behind everything you can buy that is PnP, but it’s an obsession I would like to bring to fruition.

For those of you who yearn for a corporation free computing experience, how close have you gotten? What next step is stopping you from going deeper? I want to get back onto Matrix and start a channel for this if our sub admins would appreciate a reignition of this discussion. We could then open source this design to other auties and those interested in sharing knowledge. I believe we could build something beautiful for our community to use.

Thoughts? :)

  • randomdeadguy@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    hey friend, we are kinda coming across as too abrasive and too uncompromising here. Which can be good traits, don’t get me wrong.

    The engine teardown videos are readily available to you, and your local library is a great place to learn. It is not that person’s responsibility to show you how to teach yourself. The use of the term “tribal knowledge” here is out of place and is loaded with implications about race/class. That knowledge is available to you, if you express the initiative to get it.

    I think I once found a college lecture on youtube about software development, would you like me to share a link for you? I’m all for literacy, but let’s try to think about other ways to communicate when our correspondents are showing agitation through words like “hell” and “shit”

    Please let me know if you would like me to explain anything further. Social interactions confuse me often.