I dunno, I like going slow- that is to say near the limit- and will have people ride me the entire time in a passing zone or blaze past me in a double yellow.
Edit: It’s the best because I get to watch these same cars pull into the parking lot 500 yards down the road. Really saved them the extra fraction of a second.
I put an NRA sticker on mine, not because I support them or own a gun, but because this helps me get rid of tailgating cars behind me
Doesn’t really work though.
Source: me, tailgating the boomer in his 2004 Silverado extended cab with a gigantic bed cap because we’re going 37 in a 50 and I don’t have all day
Damn. If only there was a way that cars could pass each other.
The inability to legally pass is implied
I dunno, I like going slow- that is to say near the limit- and will have people ride me the entire time in a passing zone or blaze past me in a double yellow.
Edit: It’s the best because I get to watch these same cars pull into the parking lot 500 yards down the road. Really saved them the extra fraction of a second.
Same thing could work with a support the police sticker.
Which, I hear, is very common