ive been using expandroid, but sadly it stoped working for the stuff i most need it for.
now i found texpandapp(.)com. its really nice cuz it works my browser and note taking app.
most home calling can be stopped via dns blocking i guess (?), but it still has those questionable permissions:
- view network connections 😒
- use fingerprint hardware 👌
- run foreground service with the type “dataSync” 🥱
- run at startup 👌 -ask to ignore battery optimizations👌
- have full network access 😳😳😳
- prevent phone from sleeping🤔
- Advertising ID Permission 🙄
- run foreground service 👌
- Google Play billing service 👌
- Play Install Referrer API 🤔
how bad is all of that? keylogger-level bad?
(cannot block all internet access, bad phone and the vpn slot is occupied)
edit: turns out split tunnelling with “block all connections without vpn” does the job, nice.
i dont seem to have that function. anyway cannot rly see the harm with that app and the vpn block solution.
Your Android device doesn’t have a personal dictionary section in the Language & Input page? What phone do you have? Yeah, keeping it offline is probably fine, but I’m just surprised since this has been a thing for at least 7 Android versions now, as far as I know.
By the way, HeliBoard (an offline fork of the now-defunct OpenBoard) seems to have its own private, built-in personal dictionary; I migrated to that since finding out.