The template of this meme is that of the man who cheerfully points his hand at a butterfly, asking “Is this a pigeon”?. In this meme, the man has been covered with icons of the applications IntelliJ, VSCode, Chromium and Signal. The butterfly which he points to is overlaid with the caption “.config”. He asks “Is this a trash can?” At the bottom of the image, we see the command du -sh executed on the directories .config/chromium/ and .config/Code, yielding file sizes of 1016M and 83M respectively.

    8 days ago

    I’m taking an online based college that makes heavy use of some heavier apps like web based virtual machines that function as ‘lab environments’ for development assignments. These refuse to function unless I’m in chromium of some kind. Same with the online based proctoring tools the school uses when you take tests n stuff - chrome is the only browser that can be used, and I have to specifically use a windows device 🤢

    Always fun to see what I’ve been “missing out on” in the chrome experience, when I’m forced to use it. Man, the Firefox UX is a dream compared to chrome!

    Really hoping on that FOSS browser that’s on the horizon! Ladybird, I think it’s called? Hopefully it won’t be shit! 🤞