I happen to recall that in this scene, she’s speaking nonsense Italian words (she doesn’t actually know Italian) but the first time they show it (and the viewer doesn’t know she can’t speak Italian) they show Speaking in Italy… and later when they’re showing that she’s saying words, but they’re nonsense, it still says ‘Speaking in Italy’!
This is not a big deal but it is entirely wrong. Why do I care so much about this?!
(The close caption is wrong in a lot of places on this copy of The IT Crowd, but that’s the most ridiculous.)
Edit: Later in the episode they show a speakerphone, on which, an Italian man is speaking. The caption for this? “Voicemail in Italy.” What!
Tangentially related: there are a lot of moments in Firefly where the characters speak Chinese. Instead of captioning it properly, they just write “[speaks Chinese]”.
Which is especially jarring when you have a whole [speaks Chinese] sentence with a [speaks Chinese] phrase in the middle.
Is it subtitles in english though?
Yes. They do occasionally transliterate, and I think it’d be nice if they’d done so across the board.
I wish.
In my (official dvd) box set, they caption it as “[SPEAKING GALACTIC LANGUAGE]” as if it’s some made-up sounds and not plainly an existing language.
I take comfort in knowing there are web sites that explain every phrase in detail.
Do you have a website recommendation that’s accurate? Or are they all pretty much the same?
Here’s one that’s ugly but thorough: https://fireflychinese.kevinsullivansite.net/index.html